I'm trying to prove that a transitive relation on elements of finite maps is equivalent to a transitive relation on finite maps itself.
Here is a helper lemma, which shows that relations on finite maps are transitive if relations on their elements are transitive:
lemma fmrel_trans:
"(⋀x y z. x ∈ fmran' xm ⟹ P x y ⟹ Q y z ⟹ R x z) ⟹
fmrel P xm ym ⟹ fmrel Q ym zm ⟹ fmrel R xm zm"
unfolding fmrel_iff
by (metis fmdomE fmdom_notD fmran'I option.rel_inject(2) option.rel_sel)
Here is a first lemma, which I successfully proved:
lemma trancl_to_fmrel:
"(fmrel f)⇧+⇧+ xm ym ⟹ fmrel f⇧+⇧+ xm ym"
apply (induct rule: tranclp_induct)
apply (simp add: fmap.rel_mono_strong)
apply (rule_tac ?P="f⇧+⇧+" and ?Q="f" and ?ym="y" in fmrel_trans; auto)
And here is a symmetric lemma, which I can't prove:
lemma fmrel_to_trancl:
"fmrel r⇧+⇧+ xm ym ⟹
(⋀x. r x x) ⟹
(fmrel r)⇧+⇧+ xm ym"
Equivalently this lemma can be stated as
lemma fmrel_tranclp_induct:
"fmrel r⇧+⇧+ a b ⟹
(⋀x. r x x) ⟹
(⋀y. fmrel r a y ⟹ P y) ⟹
(⋀y z. fmrel r⇧+⇧+ a y ⟹ fmrel r y z ⟹ P y ⟹ P z) ⟹ P b"
lemma fmrel_tranclp_trans_induct:
"fmrel r⇧+⇧+ a b ⟹
(⋀x. r x x) ⟹
(⋀x y. fmrel r x y ⟹ P x y) ⟹
(⋀x y z. fmrel r⇧+⇧+ x y ⟹ P x y ⟹ fmrel r⇧+⇧+ y z ⟹ P y z ⟹ P x z) ⟹ P a b"
Proving any of these 3 lemmas I can prove the rest.
The question is very similar to How to lift a transitive relation from elements to lists? But the proof in that question is based on the induction rule list_all2_induct
. I can't find a similar rule for fmrel
. I tried to prove something like this, but with no success:
lemma fmrel_induct
[consumes 1, case_names Nil Cons, induct set: fmrel]:
assumes P: "fmrel P xs ys"
assumes Nil: "R fmempty fmempty"
assumes Cons: "⋀k x xs y ys.
⟦P x y; fmrel P xs ys; fmlookup xs k = None; fmlookup ys k = None; R xs ys⟧ ⟹
R (fmupd k x xs) (fmupd k y ys)"
shows "R xs ys"
I also tried to replace fmrel
by list_all2
in the lemmas, but with no success:
lemma fmrel_to_list_all2:
"fmrel f xm ym ⟹
xs = map snd (sorted_list_of_fmap xm) ⟹
ys = map snd (sorted_list_of_fmap ym) ⟹
list_all2 f xs ys"
The idea is that keys (domains) of xm
and ym
are equal. And fmrel
is equivalent to list_all2
on sorted values (ranges) of the maps.
Could you help me to prove fmrel_to_trancl
There exist several methodologies that can help you to achieve your goal:
Below I present a skeleton of a solution using the first methodology and a complete solution using the second methodology. However, it goes without saying that the code presented below is not 'production ready'.
The code listing below demonstrates the first methodology. The theorems of interest are first transferred from list
to alist
and only then from alist
to fmap
. I do not provide a complete solution, but it should be relatively easy to infer it using the code listing below as a skeleton of a solution (if necessary, I can provide the missing details upon request).
First, the relevant theorems are proven for alist
subsection ‹Further results about lists›
abbreviation "dmf ≡ distinct ∘ map fst"
lemma double_length_induct:
"(⋀xs ys. ∀xs' ys'.
length xs' < length xs ⟶ length ys' < length ys ⟶ P xs' ys' ⟹
P xs ys) ⟹
P xs ys"
lemma list_all2_sym: "list_all2 P xs ys ⟷ list_all2 (λy x. P x y) ys xs"
subsection ‹Extension of the theory @{text Multiset}›
lemma list_all2_reorder_right_invariance:
assumes rel: "list_all2 R xs ys" and ms_y: "mset ys' = mset ys"
shows "∃xs'. list_all2 R xs' ys' ∧ mset xs' = mset xs"
subsection ‹Further results about permutations›
lemma perm_map_of:
assumes "dmf xs" and "dmf ys"
shows "xs <~~> ys ⟹ map_of xs k = map_of ys k"
lemma perm_map_of_none:
"xs <~~> ys ⟹ map_of xs k = None ⟷ map_of ys k = None"
lemma map_of_eq_mset:
assumes "dmf xs" and "dmf ys"
shows "map_of xs = map_of ys ⟷ mset xs = mset ys"
lemma map_of_eq_perm:
assumes "dmf xs" and "dmf ys"
shows "map_of xs = map_of ys ⟷ xs <~~> ys"
definition perm_list_all2 ::
"('a ⇒ 'b ⇒ bool) ⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'b list ⇒ bool" where
"perm_list_all2 P xs ys = (∃ys'. ys <~~> ys' ∧ list_all2 P xs ys')"
lemma perm_list_all2_def_alt:
"perm_list_all2 P xs ys = (∃xs'. xs <~~> xs' ∧ list_all2 P xs' ys)"
unfolding perm_list_all2_def
lemma perm_list_all2_sym:
"perm_list_all2 P xs ys = perm_list_all2 (λy x. P x y) ys xs"
lemma list_all2_to_perm_list_all2_2:
"list_all2 P xs ys ⟹
xs <~~> xs' ⟹
ys <~~> ys'⟹
perm_list_all2 P xs' ys'"
lemma perm_list_all2_to_perm_list_all2:
"perm_list_all2 P xs ys ⟹
xs <~~> xs' ⟹
ys <~~> ys'⟹
perm_list_all2 P xs' ys'"
lemma perm_list_all2_lengthD:
"perm_list_all2 P xs ys ⟹ length xs = length ys"
lemma perm_list_all2_Nil[iff, code]: "perm_list_all2 P [] ys = (ys = [])"
lemma perm_list_all2_Cons:
"P x y ⟹ perm_list_all2 P xs ys ⟹ perm_list_all2 P (x # xs) (y # ys) "
subsection ‹Permutation of AList›
lemma update_new_imp_append:
"map_of xs k = None ⟹ AList.update k v xs = xs @ [(k, v)]"
lemma map_of_distinct_to_none:
"dmf xs ⟹ xs = ys @ [(ky, vy)] @ ys' ⟹ map_of ys ky = None"
abbreviation "pred_snd P ≡ (λx y. fst x = fst y ∧ P (snd x) (snd y))"
definition listvalrel ::
"('aval ⇒ 'bval ⇒ bool) ⇒
('key × 'aval) list ⇒
('key × 'bval) list ⇒
"listvalrel P xs ys = list_all2 (pred_snd P) xs ys"
lemma listvalrel_map_fst: "listvalrel P xs ys ⟹ map fst xs = map fst ys"
unfolding listvalrel_def
subsection ‹Permutation of AList›
lemma dmf_perm_imp_dmf: "dmf xs ⟹ xs <~~> xs' ⟹ dmf xs'"
lemma perm_update:
assumes "dmf xs" and "dmf ys"
shows "xs <~~> ys ⟹ AList.update k v xs <~~> AList.update k v ys"
definition perm_listvalrel ::
"('aval ⇒ 'bval ⇒ bool) ⇒
('key × 'aval) list ⇒
('key × 'bval) list ⇒
"perm_listvalrel P xs ys = perm_list_all2 (pred_snd P) xs ys"
lemma perm_listvalrel_def_alt:
"perm_listvalrel P xs ys = (∃ys'. ys <~~> ys' ∧ listvalrel P xs ys')"
unfolding perm_listvalrel_def listvalrel_def by (simp add: perm_list_all2_def)
lemma perm_listvalrel_to_perm_listvalrel:
"perm_listvalrel P xs ys ⟹
xs <~~> xs' ⟹
ys <~~> ys'⟹
perm_listvalrel P xs' ys'"
lemma perm_listvalrel_lengthD[intro?]:
"perm_listvalrel P xs ys ⟹ length xs = length ys"
lemma perm_listvalrel_Nil[iff, code]:
"perm_listvalrel P [] ys = (ys = [])"
lemma perm_listvalrel_Cons:
"pred_snd P x y ⟹
perm_listvalrel P xs ys ⟹
perm_listvalrel P (x # xs) (y # ys) "
lemma map_of_remove1:
"dmf xs ⟹ map_of xs k = Some v ⟹ map_of (remove1 (k, v) xs) k = None"
lemma map_of_Cons:
"k ≠ k' ⟹ map_of (xss @ xse) k = map_of (xss @ (k', v') # xse) k"
lemma ro_imp_ro_rm1:
assumes dmf_xs: "dmf (xss @ (k', v') # xse)"
and dmf_ys: "dmf (yss @ (k', w') # yse)"
and ro:
"⋀k. rel_option P
(map_of (xss @ (k', v') # xse) k) (map_of (yss @ (k', w') # yse) k)"
shows "⋀k. rel_option P (map_of (xss @ xse) k) (map_of (yss @ yse) k)"
proof -
fix k
show "rel_option P (map_of (xss @ xse) k) (map_of (yss @ yse) k)"
proof(cases "k ≠ k'")
case True show ?thesis sorry
case False show ?thesis
proof -
from dmf_xs dmf_ys have
"distinct (xss @ (k', v') # xse)" and "distinct (yss @ (k', w') # yse)"
by (metis comp_apply distinct_map)+
then have
xss_xse: "xss @ xse = remove1 (k', v') (xss @ (k', v') # xse)" and
yss_yse: "yss @ yse = remove1 (k', w') (yss @ (k', w') # yse)"
by (simp add: remove1_append)+
k'v'_in_set: "(k', v') ∈ List.set (xss @ (k', v') # xse)" and
k'w'_in_set: "(k', w') ∈ List.set (yss @ (k', w') # yse)"
by auto
mo_v': "map_of (xss @ (k', v') # xse) k' = Some v'" and
mo_w': "map_of (yss @ (k', w') # yse) k' = Some w'"
apply(rule map_of_eq_Some_iff[THEN iffD2]) using dmf_xs by auto
apply(rule map_of_eq_Some_iff[THEN iffD2]) using dmf_ys by auto
xss_xse_rm: "map_of (remove1 (k', v') (xss @ (k', v') # xse)) k' = None"
yss_yse_rm: "map_of (remove1 (k', w') (yss @ (k', w') # yse)) k' = None"
apply(rule map_of_remove1) using dmf_xs mo_v' by auto
apply(rule map_of_remove1) using dmf_ys mo_w' by auto
have "map_of (xss@xse) k = None" and "map_of (yss@yse) k = None"
using False xss_xse_rm xss_xse by simp
using False yss_yse_rm yss_yse by simp
thus "rel_option P (map_of (xss@xse) k) (map_of (yss@yse) k)"
by (metis rel_option_None1)
lemma perm_listvalrel_eq_rel_option:
assumes dmf_xs: "dmf xs" and dmf_ys: "dmf ys"
"perm_listvalrel P xs ys ⟷ (∀k. rel_option P (map_of xs k) (map_of ys k))"
assume "perm_listvalrel P xs ys"
then obtain ys' where
ys_ys': "ys <~~> ys'" and la2_psP: "list_all2 (pred_snd P) xs ys'"
unfolding perm_listvalrel_def_alt listvalrel_def by clarsimp
from dmf_ys ys_ys' have dys': "dmf ys'" by (rule dmf_perm_imp_dmf)
from dmf_ys dys' ys_ys' have "map_of ys k = map_of ys' k" for k
by (rule perm_map_of)
moreover have "rel_option P (map_of xs k) (map_of ys' k)" for k
proof(cases "map_of xs k = None")
case True show ?thesis sorry
case False show ?thesis
proof -
from False obtain v where v: "map_of xs k = Some v" by clarsimp
then obtain n where n: "n < length xs ∧ xs!n = (k, v)"
by (meson in_set_conv_nth map_of_SomeD)
with la2_psP have n_l_ys': "n < length ys'"
using list_all2_lengthD by force
with la2_psP have psP: "pred_snd P (xs!n) (ys'!n)"
by (simp add: list_all2_conv_all_nth)
with n have "fst (ys'!n) = k" by simp
with dys' ys_ys' n_l_ys' have "map_of ys' k = Some (snd (ys'!n))" by auto
moreover with psP n have "P v (snd (ys'!n))" by simp
ultimately show "rel_option P (map_of xs k) (map_of ys' k)"
using v by simp
ultimately show "∀k. rel_option P (map_of xs k) (map_of ys k)" by simp
assume "(∀k. rel_option P (map_of xs k) (map_of ys k))"
with dmf_xs dmf_ys show "perm_listvalrel P xs ys"
proof(induction xs ys rule: double_length_induct)
case (1 xs ys) show ?case
proof(cases "xs = []")
case True show ?thesis sorry
case False show ?thesis
proof -
from False obtain xse x where x_xse: "xs = x # xse"
by (meson remdups_adj.cases)
then obtain k v where k_v: "x = (k, v)" by fastforce
with x_xse have xs_split: "xs = [] @ (k, v) # xse" by simp
from k_v dmf_xs x_xse have v: "map_of xs k = Some v" by simp
then have "map_of ys k ≠ None"
by (metis option.rel_distinct(2) "1.prems"(3))
then obtain w where w: "map_of ys k = Some w" by clarsimp
then have "(k, w) ∈ List.set ys" by (auto dest: map_of_SomeD)
then obtain yss yse where ys_split: "ys = yss @ (k, w) # yse"
using split_list by fastforce
from xs_split ys_split "1.prems"(3) have ro_split:
rel_option P
(map_of ([] @ (k, v)#xse) k') (map_of (yss @ (k, w) # yse) k')"
by simp
d_xs_split: "dmf ([] @ (k, v) # xse)" and
d_ys_split: "dmf (yss @ (k, w) # yse)"
using xs_split "1.prems"(1) by (rule subst)
using ys_split "1.prems"(2) by (rule subst)
then have d_rm_xs: "dmf ([] @ xse)" and d_rm_ys: "dmf (yss @ yse)"
by simp+
from d_xs_split d_ys_split ro_split[rule_format] have ro_rm:
"rel_option P (map_of ([] @ xse) k) (map_of (yss @ yse) k)" for k
by (rule ro_imp_ro_rm1)
with x_xse have l_rm_xs: "length ([] @ xse) < length xs" by simp
with ys_split have l_rm_ys: "length (yss @ yse) < length ys" by simp
with ro_split v w have "pred_snd P (k, v) (k, w)"
by (metis "1.prems"(3) fst_conv option.rel_inject(2) snd_conv)
moreover from l_rm_xs l_rm_ys d_rm_xs d_rm_ys ro_rm have
"perm_listvalrel P ([] @ xse) (yss @ yse)"
by (rule "1.IH"[rule_format])
ultimately have
"perm_listvalrel P ((k, v) # [] @ xse) ((k, w) # yss @ yse)"
by (rule perm_listvalrel_Cons)
with k_v x_xse have "perm_listvalrel P xs ((k, w) # yss @ yse)" by simp
moreover have "((k, w) # yss @ yse) <~~> ys"
unfolding ys_split by (rule perm_append_Cons)
ultimately show "perm_listvalrel P xs ys"
using perm_listvalrel_to_perm_listvalrel by blast
subsection ‹Further results of DAList›
lift_definition alist_all2 ::
"(('akey × 'a) ⇒ ('bkey × 'b) ⇒ bool) ⇒
('akey, 'a) alist ⇒
('bkey, 'b) alist ⇒
is List.list_all2 .
abbreviation alength :: "('akey, 'aval) alist ⇒ nat" where
"alength ≡ size"
lemma alength_transfer[transfer_rule]:
includes lifting_syntax
shows "((pcr_alist (=) (=)) ===> (=)) List.length alength"
lemma neq_empty_conv:
"xs ≠ DAList.empty =
(∃ky vy ys.
xs = DAList.update ky vy ys ∧
alength ys < alength xs ∧
DAList.lookup ys ky = None)"
lemma alength_induct:
"(⋀xs::('key, 'val) alist.
∀ys::('key, 'val) alist. alength ys < alength xs ⟶ P ys ⟹ P xs) ⟹
P xs"
lemma aupdate_induct_3[case_names Nil update, induct type: alist]:
"P DAList.empty ⟹
(⋀kx vx xs.
P xs ⟹ DAList.lookup xs kx = None ⟹ P (DAList.update kx vx xs)
) ⟹
P xs"
lemma alist_all2_update[iff]:
assumes "DAList.lookup xs kx = None" and "DAList.lookup ys ky = None"
"alist_all2 P (DAList.update kx vx xs) (DAList.update ky vy ys) =
(P (kx, vx) (ky, vy) ∧ alist_all2 P xs ys)"
lemma alist_all2_update1:
assumes "DAList.lookup xs kx = None"
"alist_all2 P (DAList.update kx vx xs) ys =
(∃kz vz zs.
DAList.lookup zs kz = None ∧
ys = (DAList.update kz vz zs) ∧
P (kx, vx) (kz, vz) ∧
alist_all2 P xs zs)"
proof(insert assms, transfer)
fix xs :: "('b × 'a) list"
and ys :: "('c × 'd) list"
and kx P vx
assume mo_xs_none: "map_of xs kx = None" and dmf_ys: "dmf ys"
from mo_xs_none have xs_append: "AList.update kx vx xs = xs @ [(kx, vx)]"
by (simp add: update_new_imp_append)
"list_all2 P (AList.update kx vx xs) ys =
(∃kz vz. ∃zs∈Collect dmf.
map_of zs kz = None ∧
ys = AList.update kz vz zs ∧
P (kx, vx) (kz, vz) ∧
list_all2 P xs zs)"
subsection ‹Permutation of DAList›
lift_definition mset :: "('key, 'val) alist ⇒ ('key × 'val) multiset"
is Multiset.mset .
lift_definition aperm ::
"('key, 'val) alist ⇒ ('key, 'val) alist ⇒ bool" ("_ <~~>a _" [50, 50] 50)
is Permutation.perm .
lemma aperm_trans[intro]: "xs <~~>a ys ⟹ ys <~~>a zs ⟹ xs <~~>a zs"
by transfer auto
lemma aperm_refl[iff]: "l <~~>a l"
by transfer simp
lemma aperm_sym: "xs <~~>a ys ⟹ ys <~~>a xs"
by transfer (rule perm_sym)
lemma aperm_aperm_snd: "x <~~>a y ⟹ aperm x = aperm y"
lemma aperm_update[intro!]:
"xs <~~>a ys ⟹ DAList.update k v xs <~~>a DAList.update k v ys"
lemma aperm_imp_lookup_none:
"xs <~~>a ys ⟹ DAList.lookup xs k = None ⟷ DAList.lookup ys k = None"
lift_definition perm_alist_all2 ::
"(('akey × 'a) ⇒ ('bkey × 'b) ⇒ bool) ⇒
('akey, 'a) alist ⇒
('bkey, 'b) alist ⇒
is perm_list_all2 .
lemma perm_alist_all2_def_alt:
"perm_alist_all2 P xs ys = (∃ys'. ys <~~>a ys' ∧ alist_all2 P xs ys')"
lemma perm_alist_all2_sym:
"perm_alist_all2 P xs ys = perm_alist_all2 (λy x. P x y) ys xs"
lemma alist_all2_to_perm_perm_alist_all2:
"alist_all2 P xs ys ⟹
xs <~~>a xs' ⟹
ys <~~>a ys'⟹
perm_alist_all2 P xs' ys'"
lemma perm_alist_all2_Nil:
"perm_alist_all2 P DAList.empty ys = (ys = DAList.empty)"
lemma perm_alist_all2_update:
assumes "DAList.lookup xs kx = None" and "DAList.lookup ys ky = None"
"P (kx, vx) (ky, vy) ⟹
perm_alist_all2 P xs ys ⟹
perm_alist_all2 P (DAList.update kx vx xs) (DAList.update ky vy ys)"
lemma perm_alist_all2_update1:
assumes "DAList.lookup xs kx = None"
"perm_alist_all2 P (DAList.update kx vx xs) ys =
(∃kz vz zs.
DAList.lookup zs kz = None ∧
ys <~~>a (DAList.update kz vz zs) ∧
P (kx, vx) (kz, vz) ∧
perm_alist_all2 P xs zs)"
lemma perm_alist_all2_update2:
assumes "DAList.lookup ys ky = None"
"perm_alist_all2 P xs (DAList.update ky vy ys) =
(∃kz vz zs.
DAList.lookup zs kz = None ∧
xs <~~>a (DAList.update kz vz zs) ∧
P (kz, vz) (ky, vy) ∧
perm_alist_all2 P zs ys)"
lemma perm_alist_all2_induct[consumes 1, case_names Nil update]:
assumes P: "perm_alist_all2 P xs ys"
and Nil: "R DAList.empty DAList.empty"
assumes update:
"⋀kx vx xs ky vy ys ys'.
DAList.lookup xs kx = None;
DAList.lookup ys ky = None;
P (kx, vx) (ky, vy);
perm_alist_all2 P xs ys;
R xs ys;
(DAList.update ky vy ys) <~~>a ys'
⟧ ⟹
R (DAList.update kx vx xs) ys'"
shows "R xs ys"
using P
lift_definition perm_alistvalrel ::
"('aval ⇒ 'bval ⇒ bool) ⇒
('key, 'aval) alist ⇒
('key, 'bval) alist ⇒
is perm_listvalrel .
lemma perm_alistvalrel_def_alt:
"perm_alistvalrel P xs ys = perm_alist_all2 (pred_snd P) xs ys"
lemma perm_alistvalrel_update:
assumes "DAList.lookup xs kx = None" and "DAList.lookup ys ky = None"
"pred_snd P (kx, vx) (ky, vy) ⟹
perm_alistvalrel P xs ys ⟹
perm_alistvalrel P (DAList.update kx vx xs) (DAList.update ky vy ys)"
lemma perm_alistvalrel_update1:
assumes "DAList.lookup xs k = None"
"perm_alistvalrel P (DAList.update k vx xs) ys =
(∃vz zs.
DAList.lookup zs k = None ∧
ys <~~>a (DAList.update k vz zs) ∧
P vx vz ∧
perm_alistvalrel P xs zs)"
lemma perm_alistvalrel_update2:
assumes "DAList.lookup ys k = None"
"perm_alistvalrel P xs (DAList.update k vy ys) =
(∃vz zs.
DAList.lookup zs k = None ∧
xs <~~>a (DAList.update k vz zs) ∧
P vz vy ∧
perm_alistvalrel P zs ys)"
lemma perm_alistvalrel_induct[consumes 1, case_names Nil update]:
assumes P: "perm_alistvalrel P xs ys"
and Nil: "R DAList.empty DAList.empty"
assumes update:
"⋀k vx xs vy ys ys'.
P vx vy;
perm_alistvalrel P xs ys;
R xs ys;
(DAList.update k vy ys) <~~>a ys'
⟧ ⟹
R (DAList.update k vx xs) ys'"
shows "R xs ys"
using P
proof -
from update have update':
"⋀kx vx xs ky vy ys ys'.
DAList.lookup xs kx = None;
DAList.lookup ys ky = None;
pred_snd P (kx, vx) (ky, vy);
perm_alistvalrel P xs ys;
R xs ys;
(DAList.update ky vy ys) <~~>a ys'
⟧ ⟹
R (DAList.update kx vx xs) ys'"
by auto
then show "R xs ys"
apply(insert assms update')
unfolding perm_alistvalrel_def_alt by (rule perm_alist_all2_induct)
Then the theorems can be transferred to fmap:
lemma perm_eq_fmap_of_list:
assumes "dmf xs" and "dmf ys"
shows "xs <~~> ys ⟷ fmap_of_list xs = fmap_of_list ys"
lemma exists_distinct_fst_fmap_of_list:
"∃xa. dmf xa ∧ fmap_of_list xa = m"
lift_definition fmap_of_alist_impl :: "('a, 'b) alist ⇒ ('a, 'b) fmap"
is fmap_of_list .
lemma perm_eq_fmap_of_alist:
"xs <~~>a ys ⟷ fmap_of_alist_impl xs = fmap_of_alist_impl ys"
lemma exists_distinct_fst_fmap_of_alist: "∃xs. fmap_of_alist_impl xs = m"
definition fmap_of_alists :: "('a, 'b) alist set ⇒ ('a, 'b) fmap" where
"fmap_of_alists X = fmap_of_alist_impl (SOME x. x ∈ X)"
definition alists_of_fmap :: "('a, 'b) fmap ⇒ ('a, 'b) alist set" where
"alists_of_fmap y = {x. fmap_of_alist_impl x = y}"
interpretation fmap : quot_type aperm fmap_of_alists alists_of_fmap
abbreviation "fmap_of_alist ≡ fmap.abs"
abbreviation "alist_of_fmap ≡ fmap.rep"
definition cr_fmaplist where "cr_fmaplist = (λx. (=) (fmap_of_alist x))"
lemma fmap_of_alist_def_impl: "fmap_of_alist y = fmap_of_alist_impl y"
lemma alist_of_fmap_def_alt: "alist_of_fmap y = (SOME x. fmap_of_alist x = y)"
lemma fmap_alist_rep_abs: "fmap_of_alist (alist_of_fmap a) = a"
lemma Quotient_fmaplist:
"Quotient aperm fmap_of_alist alist_of_fmap cr_fmaplist"
locale fmap_fmaplist
lemma reflp_aperm: "reflp aperm" by (simp add: reflpI)
setup_lifting Quotient_fmaplist reflp_aperm
lemma fmap_of_alist_imp_eq_lookup:
"m = fmap_of_alist ml ⟹ fmlookup m k = DAList.lookup ml k"
lemma cr_fmaplist_imp_eq_lookup:
"cr_fmaplist ml m ⟹ fmlookup m k = DAList.lookup ml k"
lemma eq_lookup_imp_cr_fmaplist:
"∀k. fmlookup m k = DAList.lookup ml k ⟹ cr_fmaplist ml m"
context includes lifting_syntax
lemma lookup_fmlookup_transfer[transfer_rule]:
"(cr_fmaplist ===> (=) ===> (=)) DAList.lookup fmlookup"
unfolding rel_fun_def cr_fmaplist_def fmap_of_alist_def_impl
by (transfer, simp add: fmlookup_of_list)
lemma fmempty_transfer[transfer_rule]: "cr_fmaplist DAList.empty fmempty"
unfolding rel_fun_def cr_fmaplist_def fmap_of_alist_def_impl
by (simp add: empty.rep_eq fmap_of_alist_impl.rep_eq)
lemma fmrel_transfer[transfer_rule]:
"((=) ===> cr_fmaplist ===> cr_fmaplist ===> (=)) perm_alistvalrel fmrel"
unfolding rel_fun_def cr_fmaplist_def fmap_of_alist_def_impl
by transfer
(auto simp: fmlookup_of_list fmrel_iff perm_listvalrel_eq_rel_option)+
lemma fmupd_transfer[transfer_rule]:
"((=) ===> (=) ===> cr_fmaplist ===> cr_fmaplist) DAList.update fmupd"
unfolding rel_fun_def
using cr_fmaplist_imp_eq_lookup
by (fastforce simp: eq_lookup_imp_cr_fmaplist)
lifting_update fmap.lifting
lifting_forget fmap.lifting
interpretation fmap_fmaplist .
lemma fmrel_update1:
assumes "fmlookup xs k = None"
"fmrel P (fmupd k vx xs) ys =
(∃vz zs.
fmlookup zs k = None ∧
ys = (fmupd k vz zs) ∧
P vx vz ∧
fmrel P xs zs)"
including fmap.lifting
by (insert assms, transfer) (simp add: perm_alistvalrel_update1)
lemma fmrel_update2:
assumes "fmlookup ys k = None"
"fmrel P xs (fmupd k vy ys) =
(∃vz zs.
fmlookup zs k = None ∧
xs = (fmupd k vz zs) ∧
P vz vy ∧
fmrel P zs ys)"
including fmap.lifting
by (insert assms, transfer) (simp add: perm_alistvalrel_update2)
lemma fmrel_induct[consumes 1, case_names Nil update]:
assumes P: "fmrel P xs ys"
and Nil: "R fmempty fmempty"
and update:
"⋀k vx xs vy ys.
⟦P vx vy; fmrel P xs ys; R xs ys⟧ ⟹ R (fmupd k vx xs) (fmupd k vy ys)"
shows "R xs ys"
proof -
from update have update':
"⋀k vx xs vy ys ys'.
⟦P vx vy; fmrel P xs ys; R xs ys; (fmupd k vy ys) = ys'⟧ ⟹
R (fmupd k vx xs) ys'"
by auto
show "R xs ys" sorry
lemma fmrel_to_rtrancl:
assumes as_r: "(⋀x. r x x)" and rel_rpp_xm_ym: "(fmrel r⇧*⇧*) xm ym"
shows "(fmrel r)⇧*⇧* xm ym"
The lemma
lemma fmrel_to_rtrancl:
assumes as_r: "(⋀x. r x x)" and rel_rpp_xm_ym: "(fmrel r⇧*⇧*) xm ym"
shows "(fmrel r)⇧*⇧* xm ym"
can be transferred following the same methodology.
The code listing below presents the answer using the second methodology.
theory so_htlartfm
lemma fmap_eqdom_Cons1:
assumes as_1: "fmlookup xm i = None"
and as_2: "fmrel R (fmupd i x xm) ym"
"(∃z zm.
fmlookup zm i = None ∧ ym = (fmupd i z zm) ∧ R x z ∧ fmrel R xm zm)"
proof -
from as_2 have eq_dom: "fmdom (fmupd i x xm) = fmdom ym"
using fmrel_fmdom_eq by blast
from as_1 eq_dom as_2 obtain y where y: "fmlookup ym i = Some y"
by force
obtain z zm where z_zm: "ym = (fmupd i z zm) ∧ fmlookup zm i = None"
using y by (smt fmap_ext fmlookup_drop fmupd_lookup)
assume "¬R x z"
with as_1 z_zm have "¬fmrel R (fmupd i x xm) ym"
by (metis fmrel_iff fmupd_lookup option.simps(11))
with as_2 have c3: "R x z" by auto
assume "¬fmrel R xm zm"
with as_1 have "¬fmrel R (fmupd i x xm) ym"
by (metis fmrel_iff fmupd_lookup option.rel_sel z_zm)
with as_2 have c4: "fmrel R xm zm" by auto
from z_zm c3 c4 show ?thesis by auto
lemma fmap_eqdom_induct [consumes 1, case_names nil step]:
assumes R: "fmrel R xm ym"
and nil: "P fmempty fmempty"
and step:
"⋀x xm y ym i. ⟦R x y; fmrel R xm ym; P xm ym⟧ ⟹
P (fmupd i x xm) (fmupd i y ym)"
shows "P xm ym"
using R
proof(induct xm arbitrary: ym)
case fmempty
then show ?case
by (metis fempty_iff fmdom_empty fmfilter_alt_defs(5)
fmfilter_false fmrel_fmdom_eq fmrestrict_fset_dom nil)
case (fmupd i x xm) show ?case
proof -
from fmupd.prems(1) obtain y where y: "fmlookup ym i = Some y"
by (metis fmupd.prems(1) fmrel_cases fmupd_lookup option.discI)
from fmupd.hyps(2) fmupd.prems(1) fmupd.prems(1) obtain z zm where
zm_i_none: "fmlookup zm i = None" and
ym_eq_z_zm: "ym = (fmupd i z zm)" and
R_x_z: "R x z" and
R_xm_zm: "fmrel R xm zm"
using fmap_eqdom_Cons1 by metis
with R_xm_zm fmupd.hyps(1) have P_xm_zm: "P xm zm" by blast
from R_x_z R_xm_zm P_xm_zm have "P (fmupd i x xm) (fmupd i z zm)"
by (rule step)
then show ?thesis by (simp add: ym_eq_z_zm)
lemma fmrel_to_rtrancl:
assumes as_r: "(⋀x. r x x)"
and rel_rpp_xm_ym: "(fmrel r⇧*⇧*) xm ym"
shows "(fmrel r)⇧*⇧* xm ym"
from rel_rpp_xm_ym show "(fmrel r)⇧*⇧* xm ym"
proof(induct rule: fmap_eqdom_induct)
case nil then show ?case by auto
case (step x xm y ym i) show ?case
proof -
from as_r have lp_xs_xs: "fmrel r xm xm" by (simp add: fmap.rel_refl)
from step.hyps(1) have x_xs_y_zs:
"(fmrel r)⇧*⇧* (fmupd i x xm) (fmupd i y xm)"
proof(induction rule: rtranclp_induct)
case base then show ?case by simp
case (step y z) then show ?case
proof -
have rt_step_2: "(fmrel r)⇧*⇧* (fmupd i y xm) (fmupd i z xm)"
by (rule r_into_rtranclp, simp add: fmrel_upd lp_xs_xs step.hyps(2))
from step.IH rt_step_2 show ?thesis by (rule rtranclp_trans)
from step.hyps(3) have "(fmrel r)⇧*⇧* (fmupd i y xm) (fmupd i y ym)"
proof(induction rule: rtranclp_induct)
case base then show ?case by simp
case (step ya za) show ?case
proof -
have rt_step_2: "(fmrel r)⇧*⇧* (fmupd i y ya) (fmupd i y za)"
by (rule r_into_rtranclp, simp add: as_r fmrel_upd step.hyps(2))
from step.IH rt_step_2 show ?thesis by (rule rtranclp_trans)
with x_xs_y_zs show ?thesis by simp
lemma fmrel_to_trancl:
assumes as_r: "(⋀x. r x x)"
and rel_rpp_xm_ym: "(fmrel r⇧+⇧+) xm ym"
shows "(fmrel r)⇧+⇧+ xm ym"
by (metis as_r fmrel_to_rtrancl fmap.rel_mono_strong fmap.rel_refl
r_into_rtranclp reflclp_tranclp rel_rpp_xm_ym rtranclpD rtranclp_idemp
rtranclp_reflclp tranclp.r_into_trancl)