I understand the basic concepts and definitions like :
What i can't figure out is that the abstraction level of this concepts and how they relate to each other. Like, okay, that's how i understand all this:
Am i right or i miss something?
p.s. sorry for my poor English.
ADT exits only in logical form. It's best expressed in natural language or pseudo code. Example: A List, Map, Stack, etc.
Once the ADT is implemented, it becomes a data structure. Example: A linked-list, a hashmap, etc.
Types are mostly refering to built-in primitive such as Int, Char or user defined types using other built-in types such as C struct.
However, I belive the line is not strickly drawn. For example if a language provide a linked-list as a built-in type, then it would be a type.
Please also check the discussion below: https://softwareengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/148747/abstract-data-type-and-data-structure