I'd like to see basic statistics about my corpus like word/sentence counters, distributions etc.
I have a tokens_corpus_reader_ready.txt
which contains 137.000 lines of tagged example sentences in this format:
Zur/APPRART Zeit/NN kostenlos/ADJD aber/KON auch/ADV nur/ADV 11/CARD kW./NN Zur/APPRART Zeit/NN anscheinend/ADJD kostenlos/ADJD ./$.
I also have a TaggedCorpusReader() which I have a describe() method for:
class CSCorpusReader(TaggedCorpusReader):
def __init__(self):
TaggedCorpusReader.__init__(self, raw_corpus_path, 'tokens_corpus_reader_ready.txt')
def describe(self):
Performs a single pass of the corpus and
returns a dictionary with a variety of metrics
concerning the state of the corpus.
modified method from https://github.com/foxbook/atap/blob/master/snippets/ch03/reader.py
started = time.time()
# Structures to perform counting.
counts = nltk.FreqDist()
tokens = nltk.FreqDist()
# Perform single pass over paragraphs, tokenize and count
for sent in self.sents():
counts['sents'] += 1
for word in self.words():
counts['words'] += 1
tokens[word] += 1
return {
'sents': counts['sents'],
'words': counts['words'],
'vocab': len(tokens),
'lexdiv': float(counts['words']) / float(len(tokens)),
'secs': time.time() - started,
If I run the describe method like this in IPython:
>> corpus = CSCorpusReader()
>> print(corpus.describe())
There is about a 7 second delay between each sentence:
If I run the same thing with just a few sentences in the tokens_corpus_reader_ready.txt
the output time is totally reasonable:
{'sents': 4, 'words': 212, 'vocab': 42, 'lexdiv': 5.0476190476190474, 'secs': 0.002869129180908203}
Where does this behavior come from and how can I fix it?
By not every time accessing the corpus itself but operate on lists, the time went down to about 3 seconds per sentence, which is still very long, though:
sents = list(self.sents())
words = list(self.words())
# Perform single pass over paragraphs, tokenize and count
for sent in sents:
counts['sents'] += 1
for word in words:
counts['words'] += 1
tokens[word] += 1
Right here is your problem: For each sentence, you read the entire corpus with the words()
method. No wonder it's taking a long time.
for sent in self.sents():
counts['sents'] += 1
for word in self.words():
counts['words'] += 1
tokens[word] += 1
In fact a sentence is already tokenized into words, so this is what you meant:
for sent in self.sents():
counts['sents'] += 1
for word in sent:
counts['words'] += 1
tokens[word] += 1