I just made some changes over 1 python file in my production server, then tested the changes using "runserver" command:
python3 manage.py runserver
The changes are done correctly, then I try to see the same changes in production but using websockets with Django Channels, but the result seems to be that the server is running the old code.
nohup daphne -b -p 3031 asgi:channel_layer &
nohup python manage.py runworker &
What could be the reason, is there any code cache?, what can I do to refresh the code?
I found that the solution was to kill all "python runworkers" processes, and then restart the server with daphne and runworker.
sudo pkill python
nohup daphne -b -p 3031 asgi:channel_layer &
nohup python manage.py runworker &