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delegate callbacks are not raised with ios plugin

I'm building an ios plugin for a native library.

The issue I am facing is the library starts to work and the view controller presenter is working fine, but the callbacks which are passed through a delegate are never raised in typescript.

Here is the code snippet:

import { Common } from './nsjumioplugin.common';
import * as frameModule from "tns-core-modules/ui/frame/frame";

export class Nsjumioplugin extends Common {
    private cancelWithError;
    private finishInitWithError;
    private finishedScan;

    private netverifyViewController: NetverifyViewController;

    constructor() {
        this.netverifyViewController = NetverifyViewController.alloc();

    public start(merchantApiToken, merchantApiSecret, customerEmail, cancelWithError, finishInitWithError, finishedScan) {
        this.cancelWithError = cancelWithError;
        this.finishInitWithError = finishInitWithError;
        this.finishedScan = finishedScan;

        console.log("EEEEEEEEEEEE greet 8");

        const that = this;
        const config =;
        config.merchantApiToken = merchantApiToken;
        config.merchantApiSecret = merchantApiSecret;
        config.delegate = NetverifyViewController, documentData: NetverifyDocumentData, scanReference: string) => {
            console.log("EEEEEEEEEEE 4");
            that.rootVC().dismissViewControllerAnimatedCompletion(true, null);
        config.customerId = customerEmail;

        try {

                this.netverifyViewController, false, function completion() {
                console.log('EEEEEEEEEEEE done');
        } catch (e) {
            console.log('EEEEEEEEEEEE EXCEPTION HANDLED:', e);

    rootVC() {
        const appWindow = UIApplication.sharedApplication.keyWindow;
        return appWindow.rootViewController;

        let frame: typeof frameModule = require("tns-core-modules/ui/frame");

        let topMostFrame = frame.topmost();
        if (topMostFrame) {
           let viewController: UIViewController = topMostFrame.currentPage && topMostFrame.currentPage.ios;
           if (viewController) {
               while (viewController.parentViewController) {
                   // find top-most view controler
                   viewController = viewController.parentViewController;

               while (viewController.presentedViewController) {
                   // find last presented modal
                   viewController = viewController.presentedViewController;

               return viewController;



class NsjumiopluginDelegateImpl extends NSObject implements NetverifyViewControllerDelegate {

    static new(): NsjumiopluginDelegateImpl {
      return <NsjumiopluginDelegateImpl>;
    private _callback: (netverifyViewController: NetverifyViewController, documentData: NetverifyDocumentData, scanReference: string) => void;

    public initWithCallback(callback: (netverifyViewController: NetverifyViewController, documentData: NetverifyDocumentData, scanReference: string) => void): NsjumiopluginDelegateImpl {
        this._callback = callback;
        return this;

    netverifyViewControllerDidCancelWithErrorScanReference(netverifyViewController: NetverifyViewController, error: NetverifyError, scanReference: string): void {
        console.log("EEEEEEEEEEE 1");
        this._callback(netverifyViewController, null, scanReference);

    netverifyViewControllerDidFinishInitializingWithError?(netverifyViewController: NetverifyViewController, error: NetverifyError): void {
        console.log("EEEEEEEEEEE 2");
        // this.finishInitWithError();

    netverifyViewControllerDidFinishWithDocumentDataScanReference(netverifyViewController: NetverifyViewController, documentData: NetverifyDocumentData, scanReference: string): void {
        console.log("EEEEEEEEEEE 3");
        console.log("finished successfully with scan reference: %@", scanReference);
        this._callback(netverifyViewController, documentData, scanReference);

The only console logs I am getting are "EEEEEEEEEEEE greet 8" and "EEEEEEEEEEEE done". The method in delegate are never raised.

Here is the SDK docs:

I am wondering which part I am doing wrong.



  • You have to let the runtime know you are using particular delegate by add @ObjCClass(...) annotation.

    class NsjumiopluginDelegateImpl extends NSObject implements NetverifyViewControllerDelegate {

    An alternative syntax is to define static ObjCProtocols array,

    class NsjumiopluginDelegateImpl extends NSObject implements NetverifyViewControllerDelegate {
     public static ObjCProtocols = [NetverifyViewControllerDelegate];