So i need to solve the problem of multiple producer and consumers using open mpi. The compiler says that there are an error in MPI_Ssend, but where? (id_buffer == 4)
void funcion_productor(int productor_i)
int b = 4;
for ( unsigned int i= 0 ; i < num_items ; i++ )
// producir valor
int valor_prod = producir(productor_i);
// enviar valor
cout << "Productor " << productor_i << " va a enviar valor " <<
valor_prod << endl << flush;
MPI_Ssend( &valor_prod, 1, MPI_INT, id_buffer, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
This is a very basic error, and obvious from the error message and the documentation (
You have 3 processes, but your are sending to rank 4 (id_buffer
) (so you should have at least 5 processes). Obviously a failure in your logic of receiver selection.