I'm using Hybris 6.3 and would like to follow the best practice of customizing the accelerator storefront controllers using an addon. This is done to make upgrading to a newer storefront much easier.
For example, the accelerator defines a Minicart controller similar to
package com.custom.storefront.controllers.misc;
public class MiniCartController extends AbstractController
@RequestMapping(value = "/cart/miniCart/{totalDisplay:.*}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String getMiniCart(@PathVariable final String totalDisplay, final Model model)
//default functionality
In my addon, I would like to map that same URL pattern to a new controller that will override the functionality.
package com.custom.storefrontaddon.controllers.misc;
public class MyCustomMiniCartController extends AbstractController
@RequestMapping(value = "/cart/miniCart/{totalDisplay:.*}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String getMiniCart(@PathVariable final String totalDisplay, final Model model)
//overriding functionality, different from the default accelerator storefront
This question has been asked here, and the accepted advice was to do as follows:
<bean name="miniCartController" class="com.custom.storefrontaddon.controllers.misc.MyCustomMiniCartController"/>
like <bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.SimpleUrlHandlerMapping">
<property name="mappings">
<prop key="/cart/miniCart/**">miniCartController</prop>
How does this mechanism work when the Spring documentation explicitly says that
There are also several things no longer possible:
- Select a controller first with aSimpleUrlHandlerMapping
and then narrow the method based on@RequestMapping
Spring is using RequestMappingHandlerMapping
by default in the accelerator storefront, and in the addon we are introducing SimpleUrlHandlerMapping
. I want to understand why this works, when every other forum post I've read says that you cannot override @RequestMapping
URLs in a different controller, or you will get an exception thrown for the duplicate URL.
In my answer, I will suppopse that you made a typo, and you meant MyCustomMiniCartController instead of MiniCartController in:
<bean name="miniCartController" class="com.custom.storefrontaddon.controllers.misc.MyCustomMiniCartController"/>
The thing here is that SimpleUrlHandlerMapping
has nothing to do and its declaration in
is completely useless.
Redefining the miniCartController
bean in the addon makes the bean definition overridden by the addon class, and so the request mapping that is declared in the addon class is the one "used" by the RequestMappingHandlerMapping