I want to create a marker with a label above, and later on make it so I can click the marker and it opens up info boxes. I have:
<MarkerWithLabel labelAnchor={{x: 0, y: 25}} icon={marker_icons[post.type]} key={post.id} position={{lat: post.location.lat, lng: post.location.lon}}>
<div style={{fontSize: 14}}>{post.prefix + " " + post.name}</div>
Currently it looks like the left but I want to align the label to look like the right one, how would I be able to do that?
To align label the following option could be considered:
) width
and set text-align
to center
via labelStyle
property based on label container widthThe following example displays label on top of marker and label content vertically aligned to center
const Map = (props) => {
const labelSize = { width: 220};
const labelPadding = 8;
return (
{props.places.map(place => {
return (
labelStyle={{ textAlign: "center", width:labelSize.width + 'px', backgroundColor: "#7fffd4", fontSize: "14px", padding: labelPadding + "px"}}
labelAnchor={{ x: (labelSize.width/2) + labelPadding , y: 80 }}
position={{ lat: place.lat, lng: place.lng }}>