I'm developing some business administration software in JS and I find myself in need of ACID transactions with DynamoDb. Lucky of mine, AWS just released the transactGet and transactWrite APIs that covers just the right use case!
I'm using the AWS.DynamoDb.DocumentClient object to make my other calls and it seems like the transact operations are not exposed for me to use.
I hacked inside the aws-sdk code and found the interface exports like such ("aws-sdk": "^2.368.0", document_client.d.js, line 2076):
export interface TransactWriteItem {
* A request to perform a check item operation.
ConditionCheck?: ConditionCheck;
* A request to perform a PutItem operation.
Put?: Put;
* A request to perform a DeleteItem operation.
Delete?: Delete;
* A request to perform an UpdateItem operation.
Update?: Update;
However, whenever I try to call the client with this methods, I get back a Type error, namely:
TypeError: dynamoDb[action] is not a function
Locally, I can just hack the sdk and expose everything, but it is not accepted on my deployment environment.
How should I proceed?
Thank you very much!
Edit: If it is worth anything, there is the code I'm using to do the calls:
import AWS from "aws-sdk";
export function call(action, params) {
const dynamoDb = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
return dynamoDb[action](params).promise();
Lambda code:
import * as dynamoDbLib from '../libs/dynamodb-lib';
import { success, failure } from '../libs/response-lib';
export default async function main(params, callback) {
try {
const result = await dynamoDbLib.call("transactWrite", params);
callback(null, success(result));
} catch (e) {
callback(null, failure({"status": "Internal server error"}));
Edit 2: Seems like the document client really does not export the method.
AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient = AWS.util.inherit({
* @api private
operations: {
batchGetItem: 'batchGet',
batchWriteItem: 'batchWrite',
putItem: 'put',
getItem: 'get',
deleteItem: 'delete',
updateItem: 'update',
scan: 'scan',
query: 'query'
As mentioned in accepted answer, the workaround is to use the transactWriteItems method straight from the DynamoDB object.
Thanks for the help! =D
The issue has been resolved
AWS SDK is not currently supporting transactions in dynamodb document client i have raised the issue on github a current workaround is just not to use document client
let aws=require("aws-sdk");
endpoint: "dynamodb.us-east-1.amazonaws.com"
var dynamodb = new aws.DynamoDB();
Also make sure you are using SDK v2.365.0 plus