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Behave in python using or in .feature fles

I need Behave to pass full scenario even when at least 1 element is correct and fail when none of them were found.

For example, I have tried something like this but it returns error for elements that were not found and only true for elements it did found.

Scenario Outline: Elements
   When Screen loads
   Then Element "<element>" is visible

 Examples: Consumer Electronics
   | element       |
   | 1             |
   | 2             |
   | 3             |

# or this:

Scenario: Elements
   When Screen loads
   Then Element "1" or "2" or "3" is visible


  • I have found workaround that allowed me to make check for 1 or more elements in Behave and reuse it in later steps. Good thing it doesn't break our codebase as it still works if only one element is checked.

    Scenario: Elements
        When Screen loads
        Then Element "1 or 2 or 3" is visible
    @then('Then Element "{element}" is visible')
        def step_impl(context, element):
            posible_elements = element.split(' or ')
            for elem in posible_element:
                # make check for each elem
                # or save visible element to context.visible_element