Let's say I have a data-frame like the one below
x <- read.table(text="
gross net.ss net rate gross.m net.m
12000 11141.4 10369.25 6.434592 1000.000 864.1041
12500 11641.4 10761.75 7.037208 1041.667 896.8124
13000 12141.4 11154.25 7.593469 1083.333 929.5208
13500 12636.0 11542.51 8.099926 1125.000 961.8758
14000 13104.0 11909.89 8.529357 1166.667 992.4908
14500 13572.0 12277.27 8.929172 1208.333 1023.1058
", header = TRUE)
does a pretty good job at pretty-printing the data-frame, but I find a single space between columns is not enough. It makes the table hard to read IMO.
> format(x, digits = 2, nsmall = 2, big.mark = ",")
gross net.ss net rate gross.m net.m
1 12,000 11,141.40 10,369.25 6.43 1,000.00 864.10
2 12,500 11,641.40 10,761.75 7.04 1,041.67 896.81
3 13,000 12,141.40 11,154.25 7.59 1,083.33 929.52
4 13,500 12,636.00 11,542.51 8.10 1,125.00 961.88
5 14,000 13,104.00 11,909.89 8.53 1,166.67 992.49
6 14,500 13,572.00 12,277.27 8.93 1,208.33 1,023.11
Ideally I'd like two spaces between columns. I can't find an option that does that. With the width
option you can specify a minimum width, but this makes all columns the same width, which is even worse
> format(x, digits = 2, nsmall = 2, big.mark = ",", width = 9)
gross net.ss net rate gross.m net.m
1 12,000 11,141.40 10,369.25 6.43 1,000.00 864.10
2 12,500 11,641.40 10,761.75 7.04 1,041.67 896.81
3 13,000 12,141.40 11,154.25 7.59 1,083.33 929.52
4 13,500 12,636.00 11,542.51 8.10 1,125.00 961.88
5 14,000 13,104.00 11,909.89 8.53 1,166.67 992.49
6 14,500 13,572.00 12,277.27 8.93 1,208.33 1,023.11
Any ideas?
Maybe with a custom function?
spaces <- function(x, space = 2){
s <- rep(" ", space)
as.data.frame(sapply(x, function(y) paste0(s, y)))
spaces(format(x, digits = 2, nsmall = 2, big.mark = ","), 2)