I'm trying to find a way to remove the tab buttons on a element with an Angular 6 app but with no avail so far. Basically, I only want to keep the Tab contents and their swipe functionality.
Apparently there are specific android and iOS methods you can use but I'm unsure how to do that.
<TabView [(ngModel)]="tabSelectedIndex" (selectedIndexChanged)="onSelectedIndexChanged($event)" (loaded)="tabViewLoaded($event)">
<ng-container *ngFor="let article of articles" #tabView>
<StackLayout *tabItem="{title: article.id}">
On my .ts file I can find a reference to the element like this:
@ViewChild("tabView") tabView: ElementRef;
ngAfterViewInit() {
But I have no idea what to do from now on. Any ideas? All previous questions regarding this have not worked.
Here is a sample playground link: https://play.nativescript.org/?template=play-ng&id=iK9ZTM
Use the code below with the loaded event of TabView.
onTabViewLoaded(event: EventData) {
const tabView = <TabView>event.object;
if (isIOS) {
tabView.viewController.tabBar.hidden = true;
if (isAndroid) {
const tabLayout = tabView.nativeViewProtected.tabLayout;
tabLayout.getLayoutParams().height = 0;
I recently did that for a sample work I posted in Uplabs