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Time dependency on autosys

Hi I have below JIL for Autosys. I want to run this job only on Saturday after the success of job axm_c_hk_purge_files_axiom. I don't want to make this job dependent on time. but if i don't mention start_times: this gives error. I don't want to mention any time here. this gives error. How can I remove time dependency from this job.If i remove start_times tag or put it null in both the cases it gives error

insert_job: axm_c_hk_restart_appsvr job_type: CMD
box_name: axm_b_usreg_wkly_jobs
command: /apps/axiom_app/axiom7/autosys_start_axiom_srvr.ksh
owner: regnyprd
date_conditions: 1
days_of_week: sa
start_times: "20:15"
condition: s(axm_c_hk_purge_files_axiom)
description: "Command Job to stop AXIOM 7.8 application server"
std_out_file: /tmp/axm_c_hk_restart_appsvr.out
std_err_file: /tmp/axm_c_hk_restart_appsvr.err
max_run_alarm: 15
alarm_if_fail: 1
profile: /home/regnyprd/.bourne.profile.r11.3
timezone: NewYork 

Could you please help me on the same.


  • Keep this job under a box. Set start condition of the of the box as saturday and 00:01 hours and term_run_time as 24hrs.

    Change hours and terminate times as per need.

    For the job donot define any start time only success of the previous job.

    During Saturday if the predecessor job is success the job would trigger and upon success the box will get completed.

    Otherwise the box would get terminated.

    While on other days this job would not run even if the predecessor job changes it's status.

    Please Map the box start time and predecessor job accordingly.