it's important to me to recode using pipes, so, please don't offer base R solutions, please.
Also important: I have both libraries activated: car and tidyverse.
So, I have a data frame x. I want to produce a new column c and then recode ONLY the value of 3 in it as 300. The following is working when I want to replace with an integer, but what if I need to recode into a float?
Thank you!
x <- data.frame(a = 1:3, b = 3:1)
x %>% mutate(c = a*b) %>% mutate(c = dplyr::recode(c, `3` = 300L)) # Works
x %>% mutate(c = a*b) %>% mutate(c = dplyr::recode(c, `3` = 0.333)) # Doesn't work
Is this what you're looking for? If you change c
to double you can then use double precision (decimals). Per @Axeman and @Jay's comments, it maintiains the type across the variable.
x %>% mutate(c = a*b) %>% mutate(c = dplyr::recode(as.double(c), `3` = 0.333))
a b c
1 1 3 0.333
2 2 2 4.000
3 3 1 0.333