I'm new to VHDL and I have a problem I don't know how to resolve. The problem appears when I'm doing the simulation, but the code compiles correctly. Here is the problem :
entity fir is
port ( clock : in STD_LOGIC;
reset : in STD_LOGIC;
X : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); -- X = X(n)
Y : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (16 downto 0)); -- Y = Y(n)
end fir;
architecture Behavioral of fir is
signal X_s, XZ1, XZ2, XZ3, XZ4, XZ5, XZ6, XZ7 : signed (7 downto 0); -- XZi = X(n-i)
signal Y_s : signed (16 downto 0);
constant A : signed(7 downto 0) := "00001011"; -- A=11
(constant B,C,D,E,F,G,H similary to A)
process (clock, reset)
X_s <= signed(X);
if (rising_edge(clock)) then
if (reset = '1') then
X_s <= (others => '0');
Y_s <= (others => '0');
XZ1, XZ2,XZ3...XZ7 <= (others => '0'); <= (others => '0');
XZ1 <= X_s;
XZ2 <= XZ1;
XZ3 <= XZ2;
XZ4 <= XZ3;
XZ5 <= XZ4;
XZ6 <= XZ5;
XZ7 <= XZ6;
end if;
end if;
end process;
Y_s <= (X_s*A) + (XZ1*B) + (XZ2*C) + (XZ3*D) + (XZ4*E) + (XZ5*F) + (XZ6*G) + (XZ7*H);
Y <= std_logic_vector(Y_s);
end Behavioral;
This line :
Y_s <= (X_s*A) + (XZ1*B) + (XZ2*C) + (XZ3*D) + (XZ4*E) + (XZ5*F) + (XZ6*G) + (XZ7*H);
returns this error : "array shape mismatch - no matching element"
I firstly think it was because of its size, but the problem is still there even if I replace this line :
Y_s <= (X_s*A) + (XZ1*B) + (XZ2*C) + (XZ3*D) + (XZ4*E) + (XZ5*F) + (XZ6*G) + (XZ7*H);
by this one :
Y_s <= (X_s*A);
However, it works with this line : (just to see if the rest of the code is correct) :
Y_s <= (others => '0');
What could I do ?
Thanks a lot.
Your simple case:
Y_s <= (X_s*A);
- 17 wires (16 downto 0)
. X_s
- 8 wires (7 downto 0)
. A
- 8 wires (7 downto 0)
. 8 + 8 != 17
Complex sum:
Y_s <= (X_s*A) + (XZ1*B) + (XZ2*C) + (XZ3*D) + (XZ4*E) + (XZ5*F) + (XZ6*G) + (XZ7*H);
Result sizes for addition and multiplication:
| Operation | Size of result |
| Y <= A + B | Maximum (A'Length, B'Length) |
| V <= A * B | A'Length + B'Length |
Therefore your whole sum has size 16: Maximum(8+8,8+8,8+8,8+8,8+8,8+8,8+8,8+8)
Section "“Signed”/“Unsigned” Addition without Overflow" on this page explains how to solve this.