I have a new list of objects to be saved/updated in realm. I want first to delete all objects stored in realm that is not included in my new list before saving/updating the new ones. Any idea on how to do this? (I don't want to delete all my table rows first then save the new ones)
First of all welcome to StackOverflow & please follow what @teun-van-der-wijst has mentioned in the comments.
Coming to your question,
In realm there is no specific function to UPDATE
an object. There are 2 ways you can perform an update.
method to assign a new value to a existing property by using a filter or predicate.You can follow this link for the documentation: https://realm.io/docs/swift/latest/#updating-objects
This is just a generic example of how to update using WRITE
let fruits = realm.objects(Fruits.self).filter("date = %@", removeTodaysItem)
let realm = try! Realm()
if let fruit = fruits.first {
try! realm.write {
fruit.date = "today's date"