I've got a small problem with my web browser project. Whenever I enter the URL address (via QLineEdit), the browser doesn't show the page, and whenever I change the page (via click on-site with starting page included) the address doesn't show up on the URL bar.
Here's my mainwindow.cpp code. The program executes and exits with code 0. I tried using qDebug inside the functions (changeUrlBar(QUrl) and setUrl()) and it turns out that the program enters these functions but they don't do anything. Every advice would be very appreciated.
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include "ui_mainwindow.h"
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include <QHBoxLayout>
#include <QDebug>
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow),
browserView(new QWebEngineView),
urlBar(new QLineEdit)
// initialization of widgets and layouts
// widgets
QWidget *browserWindow = new QWidget(this);
QLineEdit *urlBar = new QLineEdit;
QProgressBar *progressBar = new QProgressBar;
// WebEngineView - actual web browser
QWebEngineView *browserView = new QWebEngineView(parent);
// layouts
QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
QHBoxLayout *topBarLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
// push buttons
QPushButton *buttonBack = new QPushButton("Back");
QPushButton *buttonForward = new QPushButton("Forward");
QPushButton *buttonReload = new QPushButton("Reload");
// creating the widgets and layouts
// top bar
// main layout of the browser
// connecting slots and signals
// internal connections
connect(buttonBack, SIGNAL(clicked()), browserView, SLOT(back()));
connect(buttonForward, SIGNAL(clicked()), browserView, SLOT(forward()));
connect(buttonReload, SIGNAL(clicked()), browserView, SLOT(reload()));
connect(browserView, SIGNAL(loadProgress(int)), progressBar, SLOT(setValue(int)));
// browser connections
connect(browserView, SIGNAL(urlChanged(QUrl)), this, SLOT(changeUrlBar(QUrl)));
connect(urlBar, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), this, SLOT(setUrl()));
// set starting page
void MainWindow::setUrl()
void MainWindow::changeUrlBar(QUrl)
delete ui;
delete browserView;
delete urlBar;
Your actual problem is that you've defined two local variables (urlBar
and browserView
) that are hiding the declaration of MainWindow::urlBar
and MainWindow::browserView
Those local objects are the ones added to the user interface, but in the slots you are using the member objects (those that were not included in the UI). Even when they are initialized in the constructor, they are not neither receiving user input nor being displayed on the user interface.
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
// ...
QLineEdit *urlBar = new QLineEdit; // <-- local variable hiding member declaration
QProgressBar *progressBar = new QProgressBar;
// WebEngineView - actual web browser
QWebEngineView *browserView = new QWebEngineView(parent); // <-- local variable hiding member declaration
// ...
void MainWindow::changeUrlBar(QUrl)
urlBar->setText(browserView->url().toString()); // <-- urlBar and browserView are members
Moral: avoid hiding or be conscious about it ;). Some tricks used to reduce this are to always access member through this
), or using a different notation for members (like m_urlBar
or urlBar_
). Also, many compilers should warn about this.