I am training a CNN using Keras with TensorFlow backend, using imgaug for image augmentation.
I am also using Tensorboard to visualize training progress and results.
Since imgaug is applying (random) transformations to the input images, I would like to send (some of) the augmented images over to Tensorboard, so that I can visualize them and verify that everything is correct (eg: to check if I am applying too large translations, or blurring the images too much).
For this I created a custom Keras callback and am trying to input my logic in the on_batch_end method. I can send images to tensorboard alright, but can't find where I can access the augmented input images. Any tips on how to achieve this?
Thanks in advance
Better to do that outside training by simply getting images from your generator.
If it's a regular generator
for i in range(numberOfBatches):
x,y = next(generator)
#plot, print, etc. with the batches
If it's a keras.utils.Sequence
for i in range(len(generator)):
x,y = generator[i]
#plot, print, etc. with the batches