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How to parse KML file in Android

I want to know a simple and easy way to parse KML file and store its data in an object so that I can access its data instantly here is my kml file


  • You can use KmlContainer from Google Maps KML Importing Utility to access any property in a container:

    KmlLayer layer = new KmlLayer(getMap(), kmlInputStream, getApplicationContext());
    Iterable containers = layer.getContainers();
    for (KmlContainer container : containers ) {
        if (container.hasProperty("property_name")) {
            // process property
            Log.d(TAG, "" + container.getProperty("property_name"));

    For exactly yours kml file for standard geometry you can use something like this:

    public void onMapReady(GoogleMap googleMap) {
        mGoogleMap = googleMap;
        mGoogleMap.animateCamera(CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngZoom(new LatLng(17.425868, 78.459761), 16));
        // change next line for your kml source
        InputStream kmlInputStream = getResources().openRawResource(;
        try {
            KmlLayer kmlLayer = new KmlLayer(mGoogleMap, kmlInputStream, getApplicationContext());
            ArrayList<LatLng> pathPoints = new ArrayList();
            if (kmlLayer != null && kmlLayer.getContainers() != null) {
                for (KmlContainer container : kmlLayer.getContainers()) {
                    if (container.hasPlacemarks()) {
                        for (KmlPlacemark placemark : container.getPlacemarks()) {
                            Geometry geometry = placemark.getGeometry();
                            if (geometry.getGeometryType().equals("Point")) {
                                KmlPoint point = (KmlPoint) placemark.getGeometry();
                                LatLng latLng = new LatLng(point.getGeometryObject().latitude, point.getGeometryObject().longitude);
                            } else if (geometry.getGeometryType().equals("LineString")) {
                                KmlLineString kmlLineString = (KmlLineString) geometry;
                                ArrayList<LatLng> coords = kmlLineString.getGeometryObject();
                                for (LatLng latLng : coords) {
                for (LatLng latLng : pathPoints) {
                    mGoogleMap.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().position(latLng));
        } catch (XmlPullParserException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {

    and get something like that:

    KML path

    but for <ExtendedData> you should use external library with KML parsing support like GeoTools or parse your KML file as XML.