I am emailing an HTML table to users but I want to alias the hyperlinks for space reasons. Please have a look on the image.
Here is the Sample1
of the image:
Please see my below code :
DECLARE @bodyMsg nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @subject nvarchar(max)
DECLARE @tableHTML nvarchar(max)
SET @subject = 'Query Results in HTML with CSS'
DECLARE @email_to_notify nvarchar(256);
SELECT @email_to_notify = 'bens@ioec.co.za' ;
SET @tableHTML =
N'<style type="text/css">
</tr>' +
CAST ( (
td = y.Customer,'',
td = y.ContractNumber,'',
td = y.Description ,'',
td = y.Market ,'',
td = y.BDM ,'',
td = y.EC ,'',
td = y.Reason ,'',
td = y.Link
FROM (SELECT FileReference AS 'Reference', Name AS 'Customer' ,
CASE WHEN ContractNumber IS NULL THEN '' ELSE ContractNumber END AS 'ContractNumber',
'http://gateway.ioec.co.za/#/trade/files/' + CONVERT(varchar(10),Gw_File.FileID) AS 'Link'
FROM Gw_File INNER JOIN ... ) y
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @recipients='rajivs@ioec.co.za',
@subject = @subject,
@body = @tableHTML,
@body_format = 'HTML' ;
I would also like to highlight rows depending on value of the reason column.
It seems like that when you're passing your markup, you aren't retaining it's type. Special characters, such as <
will be replaced with a string representation to keep the xml valid. For example <
& <
and &
& &
If it's just the >
and <
symbols you can use a replace before sending out the email:
SET @tableHTML = REPLACE(REPLACE(@tableHTML,'>','<'),'<','>');
This however, trusts you have no nested HTML.