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How to create an Array containing all Worksheets

I generally use a 2 dimensional Array to get the content of a worksheets.

Dim arrCheckCountDG
CheckCountDG = WBSProj.Range(WBSProj.Cells(2, 1), WBSProj.Cells(Last(1, WBSProj.Range("A:A")), Last(2, WBSProj.Range("1:1"))))

Unfortunately I am not an expert on Arrays. I tried to add the third dimension to store all worksheets. However I failed completely:( Can somebody help me with....



  • Range is a two dimensional array. Simply adding a third dimension won't solve your problem. Best and optimal approach would be to use Dictionary with sheet name as key and data array as value.

    For learning point of view, If you want to store sheets and related data in array only then use jagged array. Jagged array is an array whose one or more items are array itself. See the code below, its one of the many approaches that you can take.

    Read the code comments for clarifications.

    Sub test()
        Dim arrData
        '/ Load an array with all the sheets and the data in it.
        arrData = LoadArray()
        '/ Pringt the data
        PrintArray arrData
    End Sub
    Function LoadArray() As Variant
        Dim wks     As Worksheet
        Dim lCtr    As Long
        Dim lItr    As Long
        Dim arrData '~~> [,]
        Dim arrSheets() '~~> ["SheetName", Data[]]
        lCtr = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count
        '/ Resize array for each sheet. Tranposing jagged array is not starightforward
        '/ so keep the rows fixed. 1--> Sheet name. 2--> data array.
        ReDim Preserve arrSheets(1 To lCtr, 1 To 2)
        '/ Loop through all sheets
        For Each wks In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
            '/ Read all the data on the sheet
            arrData = wks.UsedRange
            lItr = lItr + 1
            '/Add data in sheets array
            arrSheets(lItr, 1) = wks.Name '~~> Sheet Name
            arrSheets(lItr, 2) = arrData  '~~> Data array
        LoadArray = arrSheets
    End Function
    Sub PrintArray(arrSheets)
        Dim arrData
        Dim lSheetCtr       As Long
        Dim lColCtr         As Long
        Dim lRowCtr         As Long
        '/ Print data from sheets array '~~> ["SheetName", Data[]]
        For lSheetCtr = LBound(arrSheets) To UBound(arrSheets)
            '/ print sheet names
            Debug.Print "~~> Sheet Name :: " & arrSheets(lSheetCtr, 1)
            '/Extract inner array
            arrData = arrSheets(lSheetCtr, 2)
            '/ Check, if there is any data to print?
            If Not IsEmpty(arrData) Then
                Debug.Print "Data:: "
                '/ Iterate data array and print values.
                For lRowCtr = LBound(arrData) To UBound(arrData)
                    For lColCtr = LBound(arrData, 2) To UBound(arrData, 2)
                        Debug.Print "Row :" & lRowCtr & " Col :" & lColCtr & " Value :" & arrData(lRowCtr, lColCtr)
                Debug.Print "NO Data"
            End If
    End Sub