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Seg Fault Error :11 Known lines with Error

I have a seg fault error in this piece of code, however I do not understand why. Can someone please explain what I'm doing wrong. I have commented the list of things I need to do in this function. I thought I was doing it right however when I print it out it turns out something totally different is actually happening.

void analyze_file(FILE *file, struct climate_info **states, int num_states) {
    const int line_sz = 100;
    char line[line_sz];
    int currentStates = countStates(states);

    while (fgets(line, line_sz, file) != NULL) 

        char* foundCode = strtok(line, "\t");                   
        int rankOfState = compareOrder(states, foundCode, currentStates);
        if(rankOfState == -1)             

            states[currentStates] = (struct climate_info *) malloc(sizeof(struct climate_info) *num_states);
            strcpy((states[currentStates]) -> code, foundCode);
            states[currentStates] -> num_records=1;

            char* currentTimeStamp = strtok(NULL, "\t");                    
            unsigned long TIMESTAMP;
            sscanf(currentTimeStamp,"%lu", &TIMESTAMP);                        

            char* currentGeol = strtok(NULL, "\t");
            long long GEOL;
            sscanf(currentGeol,"%llu", &GEOL);

            char* currentHumidity = strtok(NULL, "\t");
            double HUMIDITY;
            sscanf(currentHumidity, "%lf",&HUMIDITY);

            char* currentSnow = strtok(NULL, "\t");
            float SNOW;
            sscanf(currentSnow, "%f", &SNOW);

            char* currentCloud = strtok(NULL, "\t");
            double CLOUD;
            sscanf(currentCloud, "%lf",&CLOUD);

            char* currentLightning = strtok(NULL, "\t");
            float LIGHTNING;
            sscanf(currentLightning, "%f", &LIGHTNING);

            char* currentPressure = strtok(NULL,"\t");
            double PRESSURE;
            sscanf(currentPressure, "%lf", &PRESSURE);

            char* currentTemp = strtok(NULL, "\t\n"); 

            double TEMP;
            sscanf(currentTemp, "%lf",&TEMP);

            if (TEMP < states[currentStates]->lo_temp_reading || states[currentStates]->lo_temp_timestamp == 0)
                states[currentStates]->lo_temp_reading = TEMP;
                states[currentStates]->lo_temp_timestamp = TIMESTAMP;
            if (TEMP > states[currentStates]->hi_temp_reading || states[currentStates]->hi_temp_timestamp == 0)
                states[currentStates]->hi_temp_reading = TEMP;
                states[currentStates]->hi_temp_timestamp = TIMESTAMP;

            (*(states +rankOfState))->num_records +=1;

            char* currentTimeStamp = strtok(NULL, "\t");
            unsigned long TIMESTAMP;
            sscanf(currentTimeStamp,"%lu", &TIMESTAMP);

            char* currentGeol = strtok(NULL, "\t");
            (*(states +rankOfState))->hi_millitime += *currentGeol;

            char* currentHumidity = strtok(NULL, "\t");
            double HUMIDITY;
            sscanf(currentHumidity, "%lf",&HUMIDITY);
            (*(states +rankOfState))->humidity += HUMIDITY;

            char* currentSnow = strtok(NULL, "\t");
            float SNOW;
            sscanf(currentSnow, "%f", &SNOW);
            (*(states +rankOfState))->snow += SNOW;

            char* currentCloud = strtok(NULL, "\t");
            double CLOUD;
            sscanf(currentCloud, "%lf",&CLOUD);
            (*(states +rankOfState))->cloud += CLOUD;

            char* currentLightning = strtok(NULL, "\t");
            float LIGHTNING;
            sscanf(currentLightning, "%f", &LIGHTNING);
            (*(states +rankOfState))->lightning += LIGHTNING;

            char* currentPressure = strtok(NULL,"\t");
            double PRESSURE;
            sscanf(currentPressure, "%lf", &PRESSURE);
            (*(states +rankOfState))->pressure += PRESSURE;

            char* currentTemp = strtok(NULL, "\t\n");
            double TEMP;
            sscanf(currentTemp, "%lf",&TEMP);

            (*(states +rankOfState))->temperature += TEMP;

            if (TEMP <= states[currentStates]->lo_temp_reading)
                states[currentStates]->lo_temp_reading = TEMP;
                states[currentStates]->lo_temp_timestamp = *currentTimeStamp;
            else if (*currentTemp > states[currentStates]->hi_temp_reading)
                states[currentStates]->hi_temp_reading = *currentTemp;
                states[currentStates]->hi_temp_timestamp = *currentTimeStamp;


And if I comment out these lines, my output prints however, it only analyzes one line.

if (TEMP <= states[currentStates]->lo_temp_reading)
    states[currentStates]->lo_temp_reading = TEMP;
    states[currentStates]->lo_temp_timestamp = *currentTimeStamp;
else if (*currentTemp > states[currentStates]->hi_temp_reading)
   states[currentStates]->hi_temp_reading = *currentTemp;
   states[currentStates]->hi_temp_timestamp = *currentTimeStamp;

Here is are the helper functions I used:

int compareOrder(struct climate_info **states, char codex[3], int currentStates)          //returns the order of each state in the array
    int order = 0;
    while (order < currentStates)          //while order is less than number of states analyzed
        if(strcmp((states[order])->code, codex) == 0)       //if the states is present
            return order;
        order++;                                                //increment here to check every line for when to update state codes
    return -1;                                                  //returns -1 the state is not prsent in struct

int countStates(struct climate_info **states)                           //function to count number of states present
    int num = 0;
    while(num < 50 && states[num] != NULL)
    return num;


  • There are quite a few issues with your code, unfortunately, there's quite a lot of information missing, so this answer is based on assumptions.

    Edit: OK, this part got obsolete with your latest edit of the question; still: the signature proposed is supperior as it does not rely on the hard coded maximum array length, which you additionally provided as 'magic number'...

    At first, countStates function; I assume it looks more or less as follows:

    size_t countStates(struct climate_info** states)
        struct climate_info** end = states;
        return end - states;

    Problem now is that you could easily iterate beyond the array bounds, causing undefined behaviour and possily crash already in this function. To fix, total array size/length as well:

    size_t countStates(struct climate_info** states, size_t length)
        struct climate_info** end = states;
        while(length-- && *end)
        return end - states;

    Then let's get to the actual function (don't wonder about changed formatting/syntax, it is equivalent if not denoted otherwise – these are my personal preferences...):

    // (size_t is more appropriate than int here...)
    void analyze_file(FILE* file, struct climate_info* states[], size_t num_states)
        const size_t line_sz = 100;
        char line[line_sz];
        size_t currentStates = countStates(states, num_states);
        while (fgets(line, line_sz, file) != NULL) 
            char* foundCode = strtok(line, "\t");                   
            int rankOfState = compareOrder(states, foundCode, currentStates);
            if(rankOfState == -1)             
                // new states available at all?
                if(currentStates == num_states)
                     // some appropriate error handling - need to decide you!
                     // for now, just returning from function:
                // just allocate one struct (assumption): 
                states[currentStates] = (struct climate_info *) malloc(sizeof(struct climate_info));
                // always check the result of malloc!
                     // allocation failed, no memory available on OS!!!
                     // some appropriate error handling - need to decide you!
                     // for now, just returning from function:
                // prefer strncpy to assure you don't copy past the end!
                // sure, it will fill overdue bytes with 0, but still we are safer
                // (assumption: climate_info contains an array!)
                strncpy(states[currentStates]->code, foundCode, sizeof(states[currentStates]->code));
                states[currentStates]->num_records = 1;
                // ...
                // now you created a new struct with malloc; be aware
                // that memory is uninitialized and could contain *ANY*
                // data, reading uninitialized memory is undefined behaviour!
                //if (TEMP < states[currentStates]->lo_temp_reading || states[currentStates]->lo_temp_timestamp == 0)
                    states[currentStates]->lo_temp_reading = TEMP;
                //    states[currentStates]->lo_temp_timestamp = TIMESTAMP;
                //if (TEMP > states[currentStates]->hi_temp_reading || states[currentStates]->hi_temp_timestamp == 0)
                    states[currentStates]->hi_temp_reading = TEMP;
                    states[currentStates]->hi_temp_timestamp = TIMESTAMP;
                // (it's a new set anyway, so just set the values...)
                ++states[rankOfState]->num_records; // just a little bit simpler...
                // ...
                states[rankOfState]->temperature += TEMP;
                if (TEMP <= states[currentStates]->lo_temp_reading)
                    states[currentStates]->lo_temp_reading = TEMP;
                    states[currentStates]->lo_temp_timestamp = *currentTimeStamp;
                // this should not have resulted in crash, but assign a bad value!
                else if (TEMP /* *currentTemp */ > states[currentStates]->hi_temp_reading)
                    states[currentStates]->hi_temp_reading = TEMP /* *currentTemp */;
                    states[currentStates]->hi_temp_timestamp = *currentTimeStamp;
                // same for timestamp in both branches: you don't want to assign first character of string,
                // but the parsed value (e. g. 1012, if string was "1012", *... would deliver 49
                // (ASCII code of character `1`; assuming you have ASCII compatible encoding)
                // wrong in this branch: you did NOT add a new element

    As indicated already: This is based on what I think you are trying to do. Leave a comment if my assumptions are wrong...