My data looks like below;
'userID' 'songID' 'rating'
0 0 7171 5
1 0 8637 4
2 0 21966 4
3 0 35821 5
4 0 82446 5
My code is below in order to create a pivot_table;
ratings = pd.pivot_table(data,
I get a KeyError:'rating'
I checked other answers, most of them suggest .reset_index(),
but it didn't work. I keep getting same error.
Any suggestion to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance.
There is problem in columns names:
print (data.columns.tolist())
["'userID'", "'songID'", "'rating'"]
You can strip
traling '
ratings.columns = ratings.columns.str.strip("'")
ratings = pd.pivot_table(data, index = "userID", columns = "songID", values = 'rating')