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formatting a Complex PHP Array returned by SOAP Call

I'm currently working with a webserivce using nusoap to build my method calls, my problem is the array which is returned and how to format this in a manner which is useable, other projects I've worked on returns s much simpler structured xml file, were i could use $xml = simplexml_load_string($xmlfile); to build and sort my arrays,

this is the nusoap call

$client = new nusoap_client($wsdl, 'wsdl'); 
$param = array('OTA_VehAvailRateRQ' => 
        array('VehAvailRQCore' => 
           array('VehRentalCore' => 
                'PickUpLocation' => array('LocationCode' =>$location),
                'ReturnLocation' => array('LocationCode' =>$location)
            )//PickUpDateTime, ReturnDateTime, PickUpLocation, ReturnLocation
        ); //OTA_VehAvailRateRQ

$res = $client->call('GetVehAvailRate', $param);

nomally at this point I would use the simplexml_load_string(); but this dosnt seem to work with this call, doing a dump of $res produces.. ( Lots of data is missing due to the posting limit... but once the array gets to the Vehicle theres a lor more arrays in there...

    [Success] => 
    [VehAvailRSCore] => Array
            [VehRentalCore] => Array
                    [PickUpLocation] => Array
                            [!LocationCode] => LOCATIONNAME

                    [ReturnLocation] => Array
                            [!LocationCode] => LOCATIONNAME

                    [!PickUpDateTime] => 2011-03-23T09:00:00
                    [!ReturnDateTime] => 2011-03-31T09:00:00

            [VehVendorAvails] => Array
                    [VehVendorAvail] => Array
                            [Vendor] => Array
                                    [!Code] => AD

                            [VehAvails] => Array
                                    [VehAvail] => Array
                                            [0] => Array
                                                    [VehAvailCore] => Array
                                                            [Vehicle] => Array ()


                                            [1] => Array
                                                    [VehAvailCore] => Array
                                                            [Vehicle] => Array ()

                                            [2] => Array
                                                    [VehAvailCore] => Array
                                                            [Vehicle] => Array()

                                            [3] => Array
                                                    [VehAvailCore] => Array
                                                            [Vehicle] => Array()



                            [Info] => Array
                                    [LocationDetails] => 




    [!EchoToken] => xxxxxxxx
    [!TimeStamp] => 2011-03-18T11:35:19.165125-04:00
    [!Target] => xxxxx
    [!Version] => xxxxxx
    [!TransactionIdentifier] => xxx

When trying to loop through the multiarray using a foreach loop is proving a little more harder than first thought...

now when Im trying to access each element using a foreach loop, I'm having to use the literal calls, ie: $res['VehAvailRSCore']; also those exclamation marks i havent came across before either: ie !LocationCode, normaly this would be just $res->LocationCode

So my question is this... how can i use this array to my advantage? just so i can call each array element, and possibly add this / these values to an other array so i can format my page better?



  • Dude, nusoap is dead. Do not use it. Use PHP's built-in SOAP class instead.

    Accessing the array values has to done with

    • PHP itself provides no way apart from that.