I am trying to pass a json array in a POST
request using the httr
package. However I get a HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
because of the formatting of the array. Here's how I build the request:
decos <- list(name="ais-static-journey")
decos <- jsonlite::toJSON(decos, auto_unbox = TRUE) #Have also tried decos <- toJSON(decos, pretty = TRUE)
body <- list(mmsis=mmsis, startDate= startDate,
endDate= endDate, decorations = decos)
r <- POST(decoratedurl,body=body, encode="json",add_headers(Authorization=auth), verbose())
I also had a look at this.
The error I get is primarily because of the back slashes in the request:
This needs to be "decorations":[{"name":"ais-static-journey"}]
How do I achieve this?
Figured out. This works:
decos <- list(list(name="ais-static-journey"))
body <- list(mmsis=mmsis, startDate= startDate,
endDate= endDate, decorations = decos)
r <- POST(decoratedurl,body=body, encode="json",add_headers(Authorization=auth), verbose())