If this is a duplicate question, my apologies in advance.. I would like to understand the **kwargs thing better in python and was actually hoping to be able to write a function that could handle unpacking and internally referencing the key:value
pairs from passing in **kwargs arguments.
My little example is as follows:
arguments = {'apple': 50, 'zoom': 'foo', 'bar': True}
I would like to be able to reference the keys and values of the dictionary passed into the function without explicitly referring to them from within the function itself.
def test(**kwargs):
if kwargs is not None:
print(f'apple: {apple}')
print(f'zoom: {zoom}')
print(f'bar: {bar}')
Calling the above via test(**arguments)
of course fails, but is there a way to "unpack" the **kwargs into the local namespace within the function to accomplish what I am thinking?
One thing I've considered is to create a dictionary within the function and then use exec()
to compile the key:value pairs into this namespace dictionary, but that seems a bit hairy.
Is there another way to assign local variables from **kwargs directly into a function?
Thanks in advance.
I've also explored using vars()
and have written the following:
def test(**kwargs):
except Exception as e:
print(e, '\n\n')
if kwargs is not None:
print(f'apple: {apple}')
print(f'zoom: {zoom}')
print(f'bar: {bar}')
for k, v in kwargs.items():
print(f'k: {k} : v: {v}')
With the following output:
'kwargs' is an invalid keyword argument for this function
{'kwargs': {'apple': 50, 'zoom': 'foo', 'bar': True}, 'e':TypeError("'kwargs' is an invalid keyword argument for this function",)}
k: apple : v: 50
k: zoom : v: foo
k: bar : v: True
I notice that print(**kwargs)
is trying to access "kwargs" as a named variable. I guess the question I am trying to resolve is if defining the function with default arguments, then passing in **kwargs would solve the issue? I can try this and see if it works and update..
This works..It looks like defining the function to have named defaults allowed me to reference those variables directly from **kwargs while not doing so entailed referencing the **kwargs dictionary and knowing the keys anyway.
arguments = {'apple': 50, 'zoom': 'foo', 'bar': True, 'baz': 99}
def test(apple = None, zoom = 'fee', bar = False, **kwargs):
if kwargs is not None:
print(f'apple: {apple}')
print(f'zoom: {zoom}')
print(f'bar: {bar}')
except Exception as e:
print(e, '\n\n\n')
for k, v in kwargs.items():
print(f'k: {k} : v: {v}')
EDIT III: update
The following is the closest to what I had initially tried to convey and implement. A function that handles arbitrary user keyworded arguments and binds them to variables in a local namespace...
def test(**kwargs):
ns = {}
args_string = ''
for k, v in kwargs.items():
print(f'k: {k}, v: {v}')
args_string += str(k) + '=' + '{}'.format(int(v))+'\n'
args_string += str(k) + '=' + '"{}"'.format(str(v))+'\n'
exec(args_string, ns)
return {k:v for k, v in ns.items() if k in kwargs.keys() }
Running the following allows me access the variables, but I suspect this is not safe or "good" code.
is a dict, so you can simply refer to the values within by their keys:
def test(**kwargs):
if kwargs:
print(f'apple: {kwargs.get("apple")}')
print(f'zoom: {kwargs.get("zoom")}')
print(f'bar: {kwargs.get("bar")}')