I have following in my kotlin code:
return Failsafe.with<Boolean>(retryPolicy)
// Here I want fall back to false
.withFallback { -> false} // Does not work
.get { ->
Kotlin compiler complains that:
Error:(89, 14) Kotlin: Overload resolution ambiguity:
public final fun withFallback(p0: (() -> Boolean!)!): SyncFailsafe! defined in net.jodah.failsafe.SyncFailsafe
public final fun withFallback(p0: (() -> Unit)!): SyncFailsafe! defined in net.jodah.failsafe.SyncFailsafe
But this way it works:
val fallback: () -> Boolean = { false }
return Failsafe.with<Boolean>(retryPolicy)
// Here I want fall back to false
.withFallback(fallback) // Works
.get { ->
Could somebody explain me why it does not work with lambda literal outside brackets? And how to make it work with lambda inline?
If you write
val fallback: () -> Unit = { -> false }
you'll see it compiles as well (it just discards the result). So { -> false}
can be used for both types () -> Boolean
and () -> Unit
and the compiler doesn't know which you want.
So to use a lambda, specify the desired type there:
.withFallback({ -> false} as () -> Boolean)
or create an extension function without an overload, e.g.:
fun <T, F> FailsafeConfig<T, F>.withFallbackT(fallback: () -> T) = withFallback(fallback)
return Failsafe.with<Boolean>(retryPolicy)
.withFallbackT { -> false}...