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How to add data value to footable row/cell

I'm creating footable like this:

        "rows": items.AllItems,
        "paging": {
            "size": 20,
            "container": '#pagination-container',
            "countFormat": "Страница {CP} из {TP}",
            "limit": 8
        "sorting": {
            "enabled": true

And I need to add to all <tr> and <td> data values. It should look like this:

<tr data-id="1">Value</tr>

and same for td:

<td data-id="1">Value</td>


  • If you're able to modify the JSON, data-attributes for cell data (<td..>) can be added via the nested "options" property of each object property. So if you wanted to append data-id, it would look something like this:

        "property1": {
            "options": {
                "id": "1"
            "value": "<span class =\"row-val\"> </span>"

    In order to change data-attributes on the table rows (<tr..>), there are no default options to allow this custom behavior that I can see from documentation - but it is possible to override the FooTable.Row#$create method to get to your desired result. This would require accessing and extending the plugin after FooTable has been included on the page:

    (function($, F){
        // Extend the Row.$create method to add an id attribute to each <tr>.
        F.Row.extend("$create", function(){
            // call the original method
            // get the current row values
            var values = this.val();
            // then add whatever attributes are required
            this.$el.attr("id", values["your-id-column-name"]);
    })(jQuery, FooTable);
