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Azure DevOps projects vs Visual Studio projects (that are in a single solution)

I have created multiple Selenium projects in a single solution. These projects share a common project (Framwork that contains reusable methods, extensions etc). Now, I want to add test cases for each of these projects on Azure DevOps(formerly Visual Studio Team Services) and execute from test hub. How do I do that?

I have tried to create multiple projects in Azure DevOps but each of the projects seems to have a repository of their own but all my code is in a single VS solution(for example, 3 VS projects in a single VS solution). Do I copy the same solution in all the ADO(Azure DevOps) repositories? Or is there another way I can put this solution on ADO and share it across all the ADO projects?


  • I spoke to MSFT support on phone and they told me these different Selenium projects should be separated/maintained as Areas in a single AzureDevOps project. Different areas can be assigned different itearations and thus you can equate

    Different Selenium Projects = Different Azure Dev Ops areas