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JuMP variable declaration: MethodError

I'm following the quickstart guide on JuMP.

My julia version is 0.7, the code is this:

using JuMP

m = Model()

l = zeros(10)
u = ones(10)

#@variable(m, x)
#@variable(m, 0 <= x[1:10] <= 1)
@variable(m, l<=x[1:10]<=u)

The first two variable macros (commented out) work fine, but the last one produces an error.

MethodError: no method matching constructvariable!(::Model, ::getfield(JuMP, Symbol("#_error#107")){Tuple{Symbol,Expr}}, ::Array{Float64,1}, ::Array{Float64,1}, ::Symbol, ::String, ::Float64)
Closest candidates are:
  constructvariable!(::Model, ::Function, !Matched::Number, !Matched::Number, ::Symbol, ::AbstractString, ::Number; extra_kwargs...) at /home/lhk/.julia/packages/JuMP/Xvn0n/src/macros.jl:968
  constructvariable!(::Model, ::Function, !Matched::Number, !Matched::Number, ::Symbol, !Matched::Number, !Matched::Array{T,1} where T, !Matched::Array{Float64,1}, !Matched::AbstractString, !Matched::Number; extra_kwargs...) at /home/lhk/.julia/packages/JuMP/Xvn0n/src/macros.jl:961

 [1] top-level scope at /home/lhk/.julia/packages/JuMP/Xvn0n/src/macros.jl:1259
 [2] top-level scope at In[18]:7

How can I have different bounds for each entry in a vector valued variable ?


  • Argh, this is actually really easy:

    l = zeros(10)
    u = ones(10)
    @variable(m, l[idx] <= x[idx = 1:10] <= u[idx])