What's the equivalent of NamespaceManager in the new NET Standard Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus?
I've used WindowsAzure.ServiceBus to do things like count messages in a queue ...
var namespaceManager = NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString(SbConnectionString);
var count = namespaceManager.GetQueue(queueName).MessageCount;
Moving over to the new Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus .NET Standard library, but whilst it's got classes like QueueClient and TopicClient, it's not got any NamespaceManager
How can you could do message counts in the new .NET Standard library?
To provide an update:
This is now implemented and available under the Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus.Management;
is now called ManagementClient
and has (roughly) the same endpoints available.
Here's the class itself as part of the pull request to merge it into the main repository.