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How to separate a user inputted string by the spaces n in Haskell IO

I want to ask the user for a sentence, and then return the sentence back but with the words on separate lines.

For example, if the user inputs "hello I am tall", the computer returns:


I tried to start off a bit, but don't know of a function or something I can use to try and separate the sentence. My code so far:

 displayWords ::IO ()
 displayWords = do putStr "Please enter a line of text"
              x <- getLine
              mapM print x

I get the error:

Couldn't match type ‘[()]’ with ‘()’

EDIT: One more side thing... using mapM_ print (words x) fixes what I want, but is there a way to print this without the quotation marks?

EDIT2: One more thing... Someone in the comments helped answer the previous edit, but if I change the format of this to

displayWords:: String -> IO Int()
displayWords s = do
     mapM_ putStrLn s
     return (length s)

I get the error

Couldn't match type 'Char' With '[Char]'

How come putStrLn doesn't work here?


  • You need the words function to split the string into separate words.

    Someone suggested mapM_ print (words x), but since each word is a string, using print will wrap it in quote marks, which you don't want. So try

    mapM_ putStrLn (words x)