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How Logical and Physical plan works when read Hive Partitioned ORC table in pyspark dataframe

I have created a spark dataframe reading csv from hdfs location.

emp_df ="com.databricks.spark.csv") \
  .option("mode", "DROPMALFORMED") \
  .option("header", "true") \
  .option("inferschema", "true") \
  .option("delimiter", ",").load(PATH_TO_FILE)

and saving this dataframe as Hive paritioned orc table using partitionBy method

emp_df.repartition(5, 'emp_id').write.format('orc').partitionBy("emp_id").saveAsTable("UDB.temptable")

when I am reading this table as below method and If I look at the logical and physical plan, it seems that it has perfectly filtered the data using partition key column:

emp_df_1 = spark.sql("select * from UDB.temptable where emp_id ='6'")

== Parsed Logical Plan ==
'Project [*]
+- 'Filter ('emp_id = 6)
   +- 'UnresolvedRelation `UDB`.`temptable`

== Analyzed Logical Plan ==
emp_name: string, emp_city: string, emp_salary: int, emp_id: int
Project [emp_name#7399, emp_city#7400, emp_salary#7401, emp_id#7402]
+- Filter (emp_id#7402 = cast(6 as int))
   +- SubqueryAlias temptable
      +- Relation[emp_name#7399,emp_city#7400,emp_salary#7401,emp_id#7402] orc

== Optimized Logical Plan ==
Filter (isnotnull(emp_id#7402) && (emp_id#7402 = 6))
+- Relation[emp_name#7399,emp_city#7400,emp_salary#7401,emp_id#7402] orc

== Physical Plan ==
*(1) FileScan orc udb.temptable[emp_name#7399,emp_city#7400,emp_salary#7401,emp_id#7402] Batched: true, Format: ORC, Location: PrunedInMemoryFileIndex[hdfs://pathlocation/database/udb...., 
PartitionCount: 1, PartitionFilters: [isnotnull(emp_id#7402), (emp_id#7402 = 6)], PushedFilters: [], ReadSchema: struct<emp_name:string,emp_city:string,emp_salary:int>

whereas If I read this dataframe via absolute hdfs path location, it seems that it is not able to filter the data using partition key column:

emp_df_2 ="orc").load("hdfs://pathlocation/database/udb.db/temptable/emp_id=6")

== Parsed Logical Plan ==
Relation[emp_name#7411,emp_city#7412,emp_salary#7413] orc

== Analyzed Logical Plan ==
emp_name: string, emp_city: string, emp_salary: int
Relation[emp_name#7411,emp_city#7412,emp_salary#7413] orc

== Optimized Logical Plan ==
Relation[emp_name#7411,emp_city#7412,emp_salary#7413] orc

== Physical Plan ==
*(1) FileScan orc [emp_name#7411,emp_city#7412,emp_salary#7413] Batched: true, Format: ORC, Location: InMemoryFileIndex[hdfs://pathlocation/data/database/udb.db/tem..., 
PartitionFilters: [], PushedFilters: [], ReadSchema: struct<emp_name:string,emp_city:string,emp_salary:int>

Could you please help me to understand the logical and physical plan in both the cases?


  • In your second example partition location is already covered in HDFS path. You can still put parent directory as a path and make use of partitioning with the following code:

    full_dataset_df ="orc") \
    one_partition_df = full_dataset_df.where(full_dataset_df.emp_id == 6)

    It's worthy to mention that no matter which of these 3 methods you will use, the data processing performance will be the same.