this is a big problem for me as I need to have un-named column names inside my flextable in officer. This previously worked with the ReporteRs version. But so far haven't been able to do this, tried using the following code:
rename(` ` = col0)
When I run try and create a flextable using this column name I get the following error message: Error in flextable(a) : invalid col_keys, flextable support only syntactic names
data <- head(iris) %>%
rename(` ` = Sepal.Length)
myft <- regulartable(data)
myft1<- flextable(data)
Note: the regulartable(data) works and the column name is blank. When trying to do this with a flextable however it doesn't work and errors
Is there anyway that I am able to do this with a flextable?
Many thanks in advance
You don't need to modify your data.frame to customize the display. Having names like is risky IHMO. Read
data <- head(iris)
myft <- regulartable(data) %>%
set_header_labels(Sepal.Length = " ")
myft1 <- flextable(data) %>%
set_header_labels(Sepal.Length = " ")