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Angular 6 + SASS Folder Structure

What is the best Folder structure we can maintain for large project ( More than one page ).I am a beginner for sass and angular.please help me to get understand about folder structure.


  • Here is my take of a well structured, organized and scaleable architecture for Angular solutions:

    - app
      - core
        - guards
        - interceptors
        - models
        - services [self-provide in root, hence no need for a CoreModule]
          - auth
          - http
          - storage
      - features
        - heroes
          - components [pure presentation components, get data from page attributes]
          - pages [routed components, get data from services, send to components via attributes]
          - services [if only used in this feature]
          - models [if only used in this feature]
          - heroes-routing.module.ts
          - heroes.module.ts
      - shared
        - components [footer, header, calendar, dropdowns etc.]
        - directives
        - pipes
        - validators
        - shared.modules.ts [require CommonModule, FormsModule etc.]
      - app-routing.module.ts
      - app.component.html
      - app.module.ts
    - assets
      - fonts
      - i18n
      - icon
      - images

    Inspiration reference Planning the Architecture of your Angular App, feb. 2019