I'm new to TensorFlow. I am currently working on a project that uses the TF Object detection API. I'm training a model with two classes on my custom images. So far I have successfully run train.py
and eval.py
and executed TensorBoard at the same time to see how the training processes is progressing.
Here is the image of my work:
How do I display a graph in which I can see the accuracy of the model being developed ?
Any help is appreciated!
You can do this by switching from the deprecated train.py and eval.py to the recent model_main.py. It interleaves evaluation schedule into the training session, so that you can evaluate the training progress of the model without manually doing so. The flags of model_main.py are very similar to those of train.py, and you can see an example in here: https://github.com/tensorflow/models/blob/master/research/object_detection/g3doc/running_locally.md#running-the-training-job