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Parse Server LiveQuery Subscribe for Multiple contacts and Events (Android)

I am developing Chatting Application for Android. I want to Subscribe Live Query for multiple Contacts in _User Class on Online Status of Users.

    ParseQuery<ParseObject> query= ParseQuery.getQuery("_User");

        SubscriptionHandling<ParseObject> subscriptionHandling = parseLiveQueryClient.subscribe(query);

                new SubscriptionHandling.HandleEventCallback<ParseObject>() {
                    public void onEvent(ParseQuery<ParseObject> query, ParseObject object) {


This Code works for all Users. But i want to trigger LiveQuery on selected Users. i want to do something like that... At Run time, WhenEver Application Launches.


I am using Library compile 'com.parse:parse-livequery-android:1.0.0'

thanks in Advance


  • A little late with the reply, but hope it helps others who have encountered the same issue.

    The query you should be looking at is: "whereContainedIn"

    query.whereContainedIn("username", Arrays.asList("USER1", "USER2"));

    As there are two "whereEqualTo" constraints over the same key - which contradicts itself - Parse will only apply one constraint.

    For more information, please look at:

    P.S.: there's also a typo with the language for the constraint. It should be "whereEqualTo", and not "whereEqualsTo".