I am trying to calculate the confidence interval in R. Due to some special reasons, I have to do it with the functions in "bootstrap" package.(which means I can't use the functions in "boot" package.)
Here is my code.
And what I am doing is trying to calculate the Pearson correlation coefficient, and then apply the Bootstrap method (with B = 100) to obtain the estimate of the correlation coefficient. But I don't know how to construct the 95% confidence intervals.
theta <- function(ind) {
cor(law[ind, 1], law[ind, 2], method = "pearson")
law.boot <- bootstrap(1:15, 100, theta)
# sd(law$thetastar)
percent.95 <- function(x) {
quantile(x, .95)
law.percent.95 <- bootstrap(1:15, 100, theta, func=percent.95)
Sorry if I didn't make myself clear or tag the wrong tags. Sorry twice for not producing a dataset (now it's provided) and thank professor Roland for point it out. Thanks very much!
Usually, after bootstrapping we use the 2.5% and 97.5% percentiles as a 95% confidence interval (because we subtract α/2=.025 from each side). See also @thothal's answer and the comments under the answers.
R <- 1e5 - 1 ## number of bootstrap replications
est <- with(law, cor(lsat, gpa)) ## naïve correlation
theta <- function(ind) cor(law[ind, 1], law[ind, 2], method="pearson")
B1 <- bootstrap::bootstrap(seq(nrow(law)), R, theta)
(ci1 <- c(estimate=est, quantile(B1$thetastar, c(.025, .975))))
# estimate 2.5% 97.5%
# 0.7763745 0.4594845 0.9620884
Here an alternative approach from scratch:
theta2 <- function(x) with(x, cor(lsat, gpa))
B2 <- replicate(R, theta2(law[sample(nrow(law), nrow(law), replace=TRUE), ]))
(ci2 <- c(estimate=est, quantile(B2, c(.025, .975))))
# estimate 2.5% 97.5%
# 0.7763745 0.4607644 0.9617970
And finally an approach using the boot
package which has a boot.ci
theta3 <- function(data, k) cor(data[k, ])[1,2]
B3 <- boot::boot(law, theta3, R=R)
(ci3 <- c(est, boot::boot.ci(B3, type='perc')$percent[4:5]))
# [1] 0.7763745 0.4593727 0.9620923