I'm using PostCSS and I want to add Post-uncss. I use no task runners, just Postcss-cli. My package.json looks like this right now:
"css-clean": "npx postcss src\\css\\main.css -u autoprefixer --replace && npx postcss src\\css\\main.css -u css-declaration-sorter --replace --no-map"
It's getting rather long. I saw mentioned that PostCSS can have a config file "postcss.config.js". The only thing mentioned in the article is the skeleton:
module.exports = {
plugins: {
'autoprefixer': {},
'css-declaration-sorter': {}
The uncss documentation just says for options:
html: ['index.html', 'about.html', 'team/*.html'],
ignore: ['.fade']
I was hoping if someone has experience with using the config file to give some advice because I don't believe this feature is well documented.
You can pass plugin parameters within a postcss.config.js
file like so:
module.exports = {
plugins: [
option-a: 1,
option-b: "quoted value",