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Export from SQL Server to json text file using PowerShell

You should read this if: you are trying to find out how to transform SQL server data into JSON and put it into a text .json file


Can someone tell me what's wrong with this code? My goal is to read data from a SQL Server table, convert it to JSON and then save the result as a JSON text file. The code runs but the resulting .json file just has:

        "FieldCount":  11

repeated over and over again and nothing more.

My code:

$instance = "localhost\SQLEXPRESS"
$connectionString = "Server=$Instance; Database=myDB;Integrated Security=True;"
$query = "Select  * from myTable"
$connection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
$connection.ConnectionString = $connectionString
$command = $connection.CreateCommand()
$command.CommandText = $query
$result = $command.ExecuteReader()
$result | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File "file.json"



Will award the answer to postanote as technically he/she answered my original question (although I will caveat and say I have not tried it).

However I would recommend either Mike's answer or what I eventually ended up going with, using BCP:

bcp "select * from myTable FOR JSON AUTO" queryout "C:\filepath\testsml.json"  -c -S ".\SQLEXPRESS" -d myDBName -T


  • Try something like this …

    ### Exporting SQL Server table to JSON
    #--Establishing connection to SQL Server --# 
    $InstanceName = "."
    $connectionString = "Server=$InstanceName;Database=msdb;Integrated Security=True;"
    #--Main Query --# 
    $query = "SELECT * FROM sysjobs"
    $connection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
    $connection.ConnectionString = $connectionString
    $command = $connection.CreateCommand()
    $command.CommandText = $query
    $result = $command.ExecuteReader()
    $table = new-object "System.Data.DataTable"
    #--Exporting data to the screen --# 
    $table | select $table.Columns.ColumnName | ConvertTo-Json
    # Results
        "job_id":  "5126aca3-1003-481c-ab36-60b45a7ee757",
        "originating_server_id":  0,
        "name":  "syspolicy_purge_history",
        "enabled":  1,
        "description":  "No description available.",
        "start_step_id":  1,
        "category_id":  0,
        "owner_sid":  [
        "notify_level_eventlog":  0,
        "notify_level_email":  0,
        "notify_level_netsend":  0,
        "notify_level_page":  0,
        "notify_email_operator_id":  0,
        "notify_netsend_operator_id":  0,
        "notify_page_operator_id":  0,
        "delete_level":  0,
        "date_created":  "\/Date(1542859767703)\/",
        "date_modified":  "\/Date(1542859767870)\/",
        "version_number":  5