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How to escape quotes in inline styles?

If I have an inline stylesheet, can and I want - for some strange reason - use the same quotes that u used to encapsulate the attribute value in my html code inside the css.

Is one of these correct?

<div style="background: url(\"\")"></div>

<div style="background: url(&quot;;)"></div>

I think the first one is correct and the second one is nonsense. Am I right or not, and why?


A co worker wrote it the second way, and the problem was that some browsers (included but not necessarily limited to internet explorer 6+7+8) requested the url INCLUDING the " signs which resultet in an 404 request.

edit 2:

okay now its really getting weird. this is the original code copy and pasted from our file.

<div class="cover" style="background-image: url(&quot;;);">

and this is straight from our error log:

13:09:45 (0.2424) [header] requ_uri        /schauspieler/Kelly+Trump/"http:/"
Mar 18 13:09:45 (0.0001) [header] server_addr
Mar 18 13:09:45 (0.0001) [header] http_user_agent Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; GTB6.6; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; eSobiSubscriber; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; .NET4.0C; AskTbFF/
Mar 18 13:09:45 (0.0001) [error] 404-Seite wurde aufgerufen
Mar 18 13:09:45 (0.0386) [header] remote_ip - AT
Mar 18 13:09:45 (0.0001) [header] visitor_id      4095543, -
Mar 18 13:09:45 (0.0001) [header] requ_url"http:/"
Mar 18 13:09:45 (0.0001) [header] http_referer
Mar 18 13:09:45 (0.0000) [header] finished at 0.2816

this was an IE8 client. on IE6 the request uri even has &quot; instead of " in it.

So either we are all wrong or internet explorer is not respecting any standards?


  • use single quotes and I think it should be round brackets:

    <div style="background: url('')"></div>

    The &quot; works too (tested in jsFiddle):

    <div style="background: url(&quot;;)">test</div>