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How to write it better way e.g. lodash

I want to check every child on way in array can i write it better with e.g. lodash

test[1] && test[1][2] && test[1][2][3] && doSomething


  • There are 3 common ways to get/check paths with lodash:

    1. _.get - which would attempt to get the value based on path and provide default if that value is not found

    2. _.has - which would give you boolean result if the path is found or not _.hasIn - which is like has but also would check if path is a direct or inherited property of object

    3. _.result - which would walk the path and execute any function among the way to get to the value or work as _.get otherwise (no functions present)

    var data = [
    	   function(){ return 'foo'}
    console.log('get:', _.get(data, '1.1.0'))
    console.log('has:', _.has(data, '1.1.0'))
    console.log('result:', _.result(data, '1.1.0'))
    console.log('result:', _.result(data, '1.1.1'))
    <script src=""></script>

    The common thing here is all of them accept a path as a parameter which can do what you want. Just provide the deepest path and let those methods check/work for you.