I was given two equations one for the growth healthy people in the population,
and the other equation is for the infection rate of sick people
assume that after 10 days of being infected the people die.
for initial variables h=9000 and s=100
using the differential equations generate a figure predicting the impact of the out come of the infection on the population. It was suggested that eulers method be used, how would I use Eulers method using multiple differential equations? or is there a better method you would suggest and how would you use it?
In python you would use, for instance, scipy.integrate.odeint
and compute
def odesys(u,t):
h, s = u
return [ -.05*h*s+.0003*h, .05*h*s-.01*s]
h0, s0 = 9000, 100
t0, tf = 0, 0.10
t = linspace(t0, tf, 301)
sol = odeint(odesys, [h0, s0], t)
h, s = sol.T
plot(t,h, label="healthy")
plot(t,s, label="sick")
And if you have to use Euler, using the same interface if would look like
def odeinteuler(f, y0, tspan):
y = zeros([len(tspan),len(y0)])
for k in range(1, len(tspan)):
y[k,:] = y[k-1,:]+(t[k]-t[k-1])*array(f(y[k-1], t[k-1]))
return y
sol = odeint(odesys, [h0, s0], t)