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TSlint lists Problems in VSCode for Git Diff files

My Problem

When I compare two versions of a file with VS Code and the built-in Git features TSLint does not ignore the revisions but marks the errors. Since the diff files are located in AppData\Local\Temp on Windows the path checking fails and other things as well.

However, most annoying is not the red line in the file view but that they are listed in the Problem Panel and I get like 20+ problems just because opening one file revision and they won't go away until I reopen VS Code, so they add up during time.

That makes the panel useless for me, since I see lots of pseudo-problems, I won't notice an actual problem.

What I tried

I tried in my settings.json

"tslint.exclude": ["**/AppData/**"]

but that didn't work out.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


  • Well, it appears that this is an issue with the GitLens extension which will be fixed with the upcoming version:

    this issue has been fixed in the GitLens 9 release which will be coming very soon.

    ~ eamodio
