I want to start converting some of my existing projects over to using Docker - mainly to improve the ease with which new developers can get started working and reduce environment-related bugs when deploying to production (I once had an issue where code worked perfectly in dev and staging only to find out that production had an out-dated version of MySQL)
The problem is that I like working with cloud-based IDEs. I currently use Cloud9, although I've started looking at CodeAnywhere and Codenvy recently to see if they'll fit my needs (so far: uncertain)
The problem I'm running into is that Docker doesn't seem to play nicely with many cloud-based IDEs.
file. Your workspace may contain a database machine, a redis cache machine, and a PHP machine. However their hierarchy then places "projects" (and associated repositories) as a child of "workspaces" -- rather than the environment definition (and docker-compose.yml
file) being a child of the projectThe first two both support some notion of "SSH workspaces" -- instead of connecting to a container hosted by them, you can spin up a VM and connect to it directly. While this would allow me to run Docker, at a first glance it suffers one of two serious issues:
Is there some other cloud-based IDE that will solve my issues, or is there some other way to use one of these three cloud-base IDEs that will work for me?
I asked this question in a few different places and not just here. After several months there has been no complete answer, but I have gained a bit more information that I would like to pass along to anyone who stumbles upon the same issue.
When spinning up a new SSH workspace, you can specify not only the host, but also the root folder for the workspace. This means you can create multiple workspaces on a single VM and keep everything nice and separate.
There are a few caveats:
can edit ../workspaceB/file
CodeAnywhere promised full Docker support in Q4 of 2018. I've been waiting and haven't seen it yet. Keep your fingers crossed.
Now in 2018 there are over 50 cloud-based IDEs. Everyone and their mother is making a "me too" business. So it stands to reason that at least one of them will work. While I haven't gone around trying them all, I did hear from someone that OpenShift supports Docker.