I am using Google Map, now I am showing a polyline b/w my current location to my destination by using Google Direction API with moving marker animation.
Now if I change my path while driving then how can I update that path from my current location to the destination.
Here is my code
public void onDirectionSuccess(Direction direction, String rawBody) {
if (direction.isOK()) {
route = direction.getRouteList().get(0);
ArrayList<LatLng> directionPositionList = route.getLegList().get(0).getDirectionPoint();
mMap.addPolyline(DirectionConverter.createPolyline(this, directionPositionList, 8, Color.BLUE));
} else {
Toast.makeText(DriversActivity.this, direction.getStatus(), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
Here in OnDirectionSuccess method, m getting the direction. I don't want to call it again and again because the previous line is also there with a new one.
Is anyone can help me out???
please first add this function to activity
private void route(AbstractRouting.TravelMode travelMode, final LatLng end) {
this.end = end;
DataShahrManager dataShahrManager = DataShahrManager.getInstance(activity);
if (dataShahrManager.getMyLocation() != null) {
start = new LatLng(dataShahrManager.getMyLocation().getLatitude(),
if (end != null) {
Routing routing = new Routing.Builder()
.waypoints(start, end)
.key("your key")
} else {
if (activity != null) {
Toast.makeText(activity, R.string.finding_your_location, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
mapsFragment.setOnLocationFoundListener(() -> route(AbstractRouting.TravelMode.DRIVING, end));
} so add this line to button
route(AbstractRouting.TravelMode.DRIVING, businessEntity.getLatLng());