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shapeless filter a list of options

I am new to shapeless and try to tackle the following problem. I have tuples of different length with Option[(R[A], A)] as elements and would like to kind of filter the tuple so that it results only in Some. Notice that I don't have Some or None at compile time but only Option. I think I have kind of a recursive problem but cannot describe it. I have something like the following in mind (where I have already converted the tuple into an HList:

def performFinalStep[A1](t: Tuple1[A1]) = ???
def performFinalStep[A1, A2](t: Tuple2[A1, A2]) = ???

def reduce[T <: HList, A <: HList](l: Option[(R[A], A)] :: T, acc: A) = {
  case h :: HNil => performFinalStep(toTuple(h :: acc))
  case h :: t => reduce(t, h :: acc) //does not work as it is not known if T's head is Option[(R[A], A)]

reduce((Option(R(1), 2), Option(R("S", "s"))).productElements, HNil)

There are two things I don't know, how do I turn an HList back into a tuple and how can I overcome the typing for T?


  • In Shapeless converting case classes to HLists and vice versa can be done via shapeless.Generic. And in Scala Tuples are case classes. But there is standard way

    (1 :: "a" :: true :: HNil).tupled // (1,a,true)
    import shapeless.ops.hlist.Tupler
    def toTuple[L <: HList](l : L)(implicit tupler: Tupler[L]): tupler.Out = l.tupled

    When you can't express something with a method you create a type class (I don't know your actual type instead of Nothing)

    case class R[A](a: A)
    trait Reduce[L <: HList, Acc <: HList] {
      def apply(l: L, acc: Acc): Nothing
    object Reduce {
      implicit def singletonCase[A, Acc <: HList](implicit
        tupler: Tupler[Option[(R[A], A)] :: Acc]): Reduce[Option[(R[A], A)] :: HNil, Acc] =
        (l, acc) => l match {
          case h :: HNil => performFinalStep(toTuple(h :: acc))
      implicit def notSingletonCase[H, T <: HList, Acc <: HList](implicit
        reduce: Reduce[T, H :: Acc]): Reduce[H :: T, Acc] =
        (l, acc) => l match {
          case h :: t => reduce(t, h :: acc)
    def reduce[L <: HList, Acc <: HList](l: L, acc: Acc)(implicit 
      r: Reduce[L, Acc]): Nothing  = r(l, acc)

    Next trouble is

    Error:(39, 27) overloaded method value performFinalStep with alternatives:
      [A1, A2](t: (A1, A2))Nothing <and>
      [A1](t: (A1,))Nothing
     cannot be applied to (tupler.Out)
            case h :: HNil => performFinalStep(toTuple(h :: acc))

    You can try one more type class

    trait PerformFinalStep[P <: Product] {
      def apply(t: P): Nothing
    object PerformFinalStep {
      implicit def tuple1[A1]: PerformFinalStep[Tuple1[A1]] = t => ???
      implicit def tuple2[A1, A2]: PerformFinalStep[Tuple2[A1, A2]] = t => ???
      // ...
    def performFinalStep[T <: Product](t: T)(implicit 
      pfs: PerformFinalStep[T]) = pfs(t)
    trait Reduce[L <: HList, Acc <: HList] {
      def apply(l: L, acc: Acc): Nothing
    object Reduce {
      implicit def singletonCase[A, Acc <: HList, P <: Product](implicit
        tupler: Tupler.Aux[Option[(R[A], A)] :: Acc, P],
        pfs: PerformFinalStep[P]): Reduce[Option[(R[A], A)] :: HNil, Acc] =
        (l, acc) => l match {
          case h :: HNil => performFinalStep(toTuple(h :: acc))
      implicit def notSingletonCase[H, T <: HList, Acc <: HList](implicit
        reduce: Reduce[T, H :: Acc]): Reduce[H :: T, Acc] =
        (l, acc) => l match {
          case h :: t => reduce(t, h :: acc)
    def reduce[L <: HList, Acc <: HList](l: L, acc: Acc)(implicit 
      r: Reduce[L, Acc]): Nothing  = r(l, acc)

    Now reduce((Option(R(1), 2), Option(R("S"), "s")).productElements, HNil) produces "could not find implicit value for parameter" but implicitly[Reduce[Option[(R[Int], Int)] :: Option[(R[String], String)] :: HNil, HNil]] compiles. If we substitute explicitly

    reduce((Option(R(1), 2), Option(R("S"), "s")).productElements, HNil)(
      implicitly[Reduce[Option[(R[Int], Int)] :: Option[(R[String], String)] :: HNil, HNil]]

    we'll have

    Error:(52, 82) type mismatch;
     found   : Reduce[Option[(R[Int], Int)] :: Option[(R[String], String)] :: shapeless.HNil,shapeless.HNil]
     required: Reduce[Option[(R[Int], Int)] :: Option[(R[String], String)] :: shapeless.HNil,shapeless.HNil.type]
    Note: shapeless.HNil >: shapeless.HNil.type, but trait Reduce is invariant in type Acc.
    You may wish to define Acc as -Acc instead. (SLS 4.5)
      reduce((Option(R(1), 2), Option(R("S"), "s")).productElements, HNil)(implicitly[Reduce[Option[(R[Int], Int)] :: Option[(R[String], String)] :: HNil, HNil]])

    So you should call it like

    reduce((Option(R(1), 2), Option(R("S"), "s")).productElements, HNil : HNil)