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Dagger 2 error: dependency “cannot be provided without an @Provides-annotated method"

I've started using Dagger 2 with Android Injector and faced an issue

I have 5 modules, that are composed into one component

@Component(modules = [AndroidInjectionModule::class,
    , ApplicationModule::class,NetworkModule::class])

interface ApplicationComponent {

    interface Builder {
        fun application(application: Application): Builder

        fun build(): ApplicationComponent
    fun inject(app: DeliveryApplication)
    fun service(): DeliveryApi


Network Module look like

class NetworkModule  {

    fun providesDeliveryApi(retrofit: Retrofit):DeliveryApi = retrofit.create(

    fun providesRetrofit(okHttpClient: OkHttpClient):Retrofit =

    fun providesOkHttpClient(context:Context): OkHttpClient {
       /* val logging = HttpLoggingInterceptor().apply {
            level = HttpLoggingInterceptor.Level.BODY
        val cacheSize = (5 * 1024 * 1024).toLong()
        val myCache = Cache(context.cacheDir, cacheSize)

        val okHttpClient = OkHttpClient.Builder()
                .addInterceptor { chain ->
                    var request = chain.request()
                    request = if (hasNetwork(context)!!)
                        // setting  5 Mb Cabacity
                        request.newBuilder().header("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=" + 5).build()
                        request.newBuilder().header("Cache-Control", "public, only-if-cached, max-stale=" + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7).build()

        return okHttpClient

    fun provideImageLoader(context: Context) : ImageLoader {
        return PicassoImageLoader(Picasso.with(context))

application Module look like

const val SCHEDULER_MAIN_THREAD = "mainThread"
const val SCHEDULER_IO = "io"

class ApplicationModule {
    fun provideAndroidMainThreadScheduler() : Scheduler = AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()
    fun provideIoScheduler() : Scheduler =

    fun provideContext(application: Application): Context {
        return application

ActivityBuilder is pretty simple: just combination of modules for Activities and FragmentsModule for fragments

abstract class ActivityBuilder {
    @ContributesAndroidInjector(modules = [FragmentsModule::class, DeliveriesModule::class])
    abstract fun bindMainActivity(): DeliveriesActivity

    @ContributesAndroidInjector(modules = [FragmentsModule::class, DeliveriesDetailsModule::class])
    abstract fun bindDeliveryDetailsActivity(): DeliveryDetailsActivity

 abstract class FragmentsModule {
    abstract fun provideDeliveriesListFragment(): DeliveriesListFragment
    abstract fun provideDeliveryDetailsFragment(): DeliveryDetailsFragment

Delivery Module which used to provide all instances of the DeliveryActivity

class DeliveriesModule {

    fun providesDeliveryRepository(deliveryApi: DeliveryApi): DeliveryRepository {
        return  DeliveryDownloader(deliveryApi)

    fun providesDeliveryListUseCases(deliveryRepository: DeliveryRepository): DeliveryListUseCase {
        return DeliveryListInteractor(deliveryRepository)

    fun provideDeliveriesListFragment(): DeliveriesListFragment {
        return DeliveriesListFragment()


ViewModelFactory where the problem here, the compiler says that DeliveryListUseCase cannot be provided without an @Provides-annotated method

class ViewModelFactory @Inject constructor(private val application: Application,
                                           @Named(SCHEDULER_IO) val subscribeOnScheduler: Scheduler,
                                           @Named(SCHEDULER_MAIN_THREAD) val observeOnScheduler: Scheduler,
        private val deliveryListUseCase: DeliveryListUseCase) : ViewModelProvider.NewInstanceFactory() {

    override fun <T : ViewModel?> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T {

        return when {
            modelClass.isAssignableFrom(  ->
                DeliveryListViewModel(application,deliveryListUseCase,subscribeOnScheduler,observeOnScheduler) as T
            else -> BaseViewModel(application) as T


  • Seems like I've figured out what was wrong

    the problem. the DeliveriesModule which is a module of DeliveriesActivity so i have to make another Module for DeliveriesListFragment and provide the DeliveryListUseCase

    Thank you, @Blackbelt, for giving me a hint