I have written some vector-methods that do simple math inplace or copying and that share the same penalty for the inplace variant.
The simplest can be boiled down to something like these:
void scale(float* dst, const float* src, int count, float factor)
__m128 factorV = _mm_set1_ps(factorV);
for(int i = 0; i < count; i+= 4)
__m128 in = _mm_load_ps(src);
in = _mm_mul_ps(in, factorV);
_mm_store_ps(dst, in);
dst += 4;
src += 4;
testing code:
for(int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
scale(alignedMemPtrDst, alignedMemPtrSrc, 256, randomFloatAbsRange1);
When testing, i.e. repeatedly operating this function on the SAME buffers, I found that if dst and src are the same, speed is the same. If they are different, its about a factor 70 faster. The main cycles burned on writing (i.e. _mm_store_ps)
Interestingly the same behaviour does not hold for addition, i.e. += works nicely, only *= is a problem..
This has been answered in the comments. It's denormals during artificial testing.
Does your factor
produce a subnormal result? Non-zero but smaller than FLT_MIN
? If there's a loop outside this that loops over the same block in-place repeatedly, numbers could get small enough to require slow FP assists.
(Turns out, yes that was the problem for the OP).
Repeated in-place multiply makes the numbers smaller and smaller with a factor below 1.0. Copy-and-scale to a different buffer uses the same inputs every time.
It doesn't take extra time to produce a +-Inf
or NaN
result, but it does for gradual underflow to subnormal on Intel CPUs at least. That's one reason -ffast-math
sets DAZ/FTZ - flush-to-zero on underflow.
I think I've read that AMD doesn't have FP-assist microcoded handling of subnormals, but Intel does.
There's a performance counter on Intel CPUs for fp_assist.any
which counts when a sub-normal result requires extra microcode uops to handle the special case. (I think it's as intrusive as that for the front-end and OoO exec. It's definitely slow, though.)
Why denormalized floats are so much slower than other floats, from hardware architecture viewpoint?
Why is icc generating weird assembly for a simple main? (shows how ICC sets FTZ/DAZ at the start of main
, with it's default fast-math setting.)