I am passing the content of a two dimensional array (first column header and than all column numbers) to a userform named Listbox1. Here the user selects items that are passed to Listbox2 and at last the user activates a process that sends data to a webservice.
So far I have managed to populate Listbox1 with data headers only but have the problem to retain all values in listbox2, not only the header. I thought of creating a private variable at the userform level to store the full array but it seems to generate a type mismatch issue with the let/get properties.
What is the best strategy to handle a full set of data with two lists?
Private pArr As Variant
Public Property Get arr() As Variant
Set arr = pArr
End Property
Public Property Let arr(Value As Variant)
Set pArr = Value
End Property
Private Sub LoadModelData()
Dim i As Integer
Dim myArray As Variant
Dim v As Variant
Dim mystring As String
myArray = ReadModelData(this is the function returning the array data from a range)
Set pArr = myArray
For i = LBound(myArray) To UBound(pArr)
If pArr(i)(1, 1) <> vbNullString Then
frmListModelItms.List1.AddItem (pArr(i)(1, 1))
End If
Next i
End Sub
my understading is arr
property of your class is an array
, not an object
hence don't use Set
Private pArr As Variant
Public Property Get arr() As Variant
arr = pArr
End Property
Public Property Let arr(Value As Variant)
pArr = Value
End Property